Episode 10 : 你知道 go over和go through 有什麼不同嗎?

2021-12-14·10 分鐘


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大家好,歡迎大家來收聽English Angel 在師大! 我是Angela老師,這一季我們一起來學習容易混淆的英文相關單詞與用語,這樣你就可以深入瞭解一些常混淆不清楚的字詞,並掌握正確用法,也能進一步釐清自己的英文觀念。
今天我們來看go over 和go through 有甚麼不同,同學Naya 說老師:我們工作的時候,有時候同事會說我們來把某樣東西看過一遍,是要怎麼樣用呢? 這兩個片語動詞,有些時候的確是可以互換的,但也有自己個別的意思,我們一起來看一看。
(一) go over 檢視/查看/重新看一遍; 受歡迎/去某處
(A) go over 檢視/查看/重新看一遍
例句1: Let’s go over the report from the last meeting. 我們來看一下上次會議的報告。
例句2: We can go over some of the basic terms and concepts. 我們可以看一下基本的特殊用語和概念。
例句3: I need you to go over his report and correct the mistakes. 我需要你看他的報告更改錯誤。
例句4: He can help us go over different plans and costs. 他可以幫我們檢視不同的計劃和成本花費。
(B) go over 受歡迎;去某處
例句1: The demonstration went over very well. 示範做的很好很受歡迎。
例句2: We went over to the counter and asked some questions. 我們走過去櫃台問了些問題。
(二) go through仔細檢查/瀏覽/檢視/反覆看; 通過(法律相關) ; 仔細檢查 (翻找)
(A) go through仔細檢查/瀏覽/檢視/反覆看   
例句1: You need to go through the checklist. 你必須要仔細地檢查這份清單。
例句2: Let’s go through the whole thing again. 讓我們把全部東西再看一次。
例句3: I need to go through the contract before I sign anything. 簽署任何東西前,我要先仔細檢查。
例句4: We can go through the document and make sure the figures are correct. 我們可以一起檢視這份文件確保這些數字是正確的。
(B) go through 通過(法律相關)
例句1: The deal went though last month. 這個案子上個月成交。
例句2: The sale of the house went through. 房子賣出去了。
 (C) go through 仔細檢查 (翻找)
例句1:  Go through the pockets before you wash your coat. 清洗外套前翻找一下口袋。
例句2: I went through the living room but I couldn’t find my wallet. 我找遍了客廳,但找不到皮包。
好,我們來go over/go through 今天所學過的例句。
1. Let’s go over the report from the last meeting. 我們來看一下上次會議的報告。
2. We can go over some of the basic terms and concepts. 我們可以看一下基本的特殊用語和概念。
3. I need you to go over his report and correct the mistakes. 我需要你看他的報告更改錯誤。
4. He can help us go over different plans and costs. 他可以幫我們檢視不同的計劃和成本花費。
5. The demonstration went over very well. 示範做的很好很受歡迎。
6. We went over to the counter and asked some questions. 我們走過去櫃台問了些問題。
7. You need to go through the checklist. 你必須要仔細地檢查這份清單。
8. Let’s go through the whole thing again. 讓我們把全部東西再看一次。
9. I need to go through the contract before I sign anything. 簽署任何東西前,我要先仔細檢查。
10. We can go through the document and make sure the figures are correct. 我們可以一起檢視這份文件確保這些數字是正確的。 
11. The deal went though last month. 這個案子上個月成交。
12. The sale of the house went through. 房子賣出去了。
13. Go through the pockets before you wash your coat. 清洗外套前翻找一下口袋。
14. I went through the living room but I couldn’t find my wallet. 我找遍了客廳,但找不到皮包。
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