2021.10.10 國際新聞導讀-美國代表團與塔利班代表團在卡達多哈首度接觸、諾貝爾和平獎頒給菲律賓與俄羅斯記者鼓勵其傳播真相、奧地利總理因貪腐案辭職、黎巴嫩國家電網已停止供電、以色列執政聯盟內部應統一對外立場避免內耗

2021-10-10·22 分鐘


2021.10.10 國際新聞導讀-美國代表團與塔利班代表團在卡達多哈首度接觸、諾貝爾和平獎頒給菲律賓與俄羅斯記者鼓勵其傳播真相、奧地利總理因貪腐案辭職、黎巴嫩國家電網已停止供電、以色列執政聯盟內部應統一對外立場避免內耗

2021 年 10 月 8 日 23:53

美國海軍陸戰隊美國中央司令部司令弗蘭克·麥肯齊將軍抵達阿富汗喀布爾的哈米德卡爾扎伊國際機場,這張照片拍攝於 2021 年 8 月 17 日,美國海軍於 2021 年 8 月 18 日發布。

(圖片來源:美國海軍/中央司令部公​​共事務部/上尉 WILLIAM URGAN/通過路透社提供的資料)
官員們說,美國高級代表團將包括國務院、美國國際開發署和美國情報界的官員,他們將向塔利班施壓,以確保美國公民和其他人繼續安全離開阿富汗,並釋放被綁架的美國公民馬克·弗里希斯。 .

美國對阿富汗長達兩年之久的佔領最終在 8 月份倉促組織的空運中達到高潮,塔利班接管後,包括美國人、阿富汗人和其他人在內的 124,000 多名平民被疏散。但數以千計其他面臨塔利班迫害風險的與美國結盟的阿富汗人卻被拋在了後面。
據世界銀行稱,以美國為首的軍隊和許多國際捐助者的撤離使該國失去了用於資助 75% 公共支出的贈款。
儘管塔利班承諾將比 1996 年至 2001 年領導該國時更具包容性,但美國一再表示將根據其行為而非言辭來評判新的塔利班政府。
美國國務院發言人內德·普萊斯週四表示,自 8 月 31 日美國完成撤軍以來,美國直接為 105 名美國公民和 95 名合法永久居民離開阿富汗提供了便利。
US delegation to meet Taliban in first high-level talks since pullout
The high-level delegation will press the Taliban to ensure continued safe passage for US citizens and others out of Afghanistan and to release kidnapped US citizen Mark Frerichs, US officials said.
OCTOBER 8, 2021 23:53

U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Frank McKenzie, the commander of U.S. Central Command, arrives at Hamid Karzai International Airport, in Kabul, Afghanistan, in this photo taken on August 17, 2021 and released by U.S. Navy on August 18, 2021.

A US delegation will meet with senior Taliban representatives in Doha on Saturday and Sunday in their first face-to-face meeting at a senior level since Washington pulled its troops from Afghanistan and the hardline group took over the country, two senior administration officials told Reuters.
The high-level US delegation will include officials from the State Department, USAID and the US intelligence community, will press the Taliban to ensure continued safe passage for US citizens and others out of Afghanistan and to release kidnapped US citizen Mark Frerichs, the officials said.
Another top priority will be to hold the Taliban to its commitment that it will not allow Afghanistan to again become a hotbed for al Qaeda or other extremists while pressing the group to improve access for humanitarian aid as the country faces the prospect of a "really severe and probably impossible to prevent" economic contraction, US officials said.
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US Special Representative Zalmay Khalilzad, who has for years spearheaded US dialog with the Taliban and has been a key figure in peace talks with the group, will not be part of the delegation.
The US team will include the State Department's Deputy Special Representative Tom West as well as top USAID humanitarian official Sarah Charles. On The Taliban side, cabinet officials will be attending, officials said.
TALIBAN FORCES stand guard a day after the US troops withdrawal from Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, last month. (credit: REUTERS)
"This meeting is a continuation of the pragmatic engagements with the Taliban that we've had ongoing on matters of vital national interest," said a senior administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
"This meeting is not about granting recognition or conferring legitimacy. We remain clear that any legitimacy must be earned through the Taliban's own actions. They need to establish a sustained track record," the official said.
The United States' two-decades-long occupation of Afghanistan culminated in a hastily organized airlift in August which saw more than 124,000 civilians including Americans, Afghans and others being evacuated as the Taliban took over. But thousands of other US-allied Afghans at risk of Taliban persecution were left behind.
Washington and other Western countries are grappling with difficult choices as a severe humanitarian crisis looms large over Afghanistan. They are trying to formulate how to engage with the Taliban without granting it the legitimacy it seeks while ensuring humanitarian aid flows into the country.
Many Afghans have started selling their possessions to pay for ever-scarcer food.
The departure of US-led forces and many international donors robbed the country of grants that financed 75% of public spending, according to the World Bank.
While there was an improvement for humanitarian actors get access to some areas that they haven't been in a decade, problems still persisted, the US official said, adding that the US delegation would press Taliban to improve.
"Right now, we are facing some real access issues….There are a lot of challenges in ensuring that female aid workers are provided unimpeded access to all areas," the official said and added that Washington needed to see an improvement by the Taliban on this front "if we are to contemplate even more robust humanitarian assistance."
While the Taliban has promised to be more inclusive than when it led the country from 1996 to 2001, the United States has repeatedly said it will judge the new Taliban government based on its deeds, not its words.
The Taliban drew from its inner high echelons to fill top posts in Afghanistan's new provisional government announced last month, including an associate of the Islamist militant group's founder as premier and a wanted man on a US terrorism list as interior minister. There were no outsiders and no women in the cabinet.
The European Union foreign policy chief said on Sunday its behavior up to now was "not very encouraging."
"We will certainly press the Taliban to respect the rights of all Afghans including women and girls and to form an inclusive government with broad support," the US official said.
He added that there were discrepancies between the Taliban's promises of continued safe passage and implementation.
"As a practical matter, their implementation of their commitments have been uneven. It is true that sometimes we receive assurances from certain levels but then follow through on those assurances has truly been uneven," the official said.
The United States has directly facilitated the departure of 105 US citizens and 95 lawful permanent residents out of Afghanistan since Aug. 31, when US withdrawal was completed, State Department spokesperson Ned Price said on Thursday.
He declined to provide a precise figure for those remaining, but said the agency was in contact with "dozens of Americans in Afghanistan who wish to leave" but that the number was dynamic and constantly changing.
來自菲律賓和俄羅斯的兩名記者獲得了 2021 年諾貝爾和平獎,這是自 1935 年以來首次授予記者的諾貝爾和平獎。
2021 年 10 月 8 日 13:00

挪威諾貝爾和平獎委員會主席 Berit Reiss-Andersen 在挪威奧斯陸的諾貝爾研究所用手機展示 2021 年諾貝爾和平獎得主、記者 Maria Ressa 和 Dmitry Muratov

(圖片來源:NTB/Heiko Junge 通過 REUTERS)
該獎項是自德國人卡爾·馮·奧西茨基 (Carl von Ossietzky) 於 1935 年因揭露其國家戰後秘密重整軍備計劃而獲獎以來的首個新聞工作者獎項。
穆拉托夫是俄羅斯調查報紙 Novaya Gazeta 的主編,該報無視普京總統領導下的克里姆林宮,對不當行為和腐敗進行調查,並廣泛報導了烏克蘭的衝突。
他是自蘇聯領導人米哈伊爾·戈爾巴喬夫 (Mikhail Gorbachev) 以來第一個獲得諾貝爾和平獎的俄羅斯人——戈爾巴喬夫本人用 1990 年獲得諾貝爾和平獎時獲得的資金幫助創辦了《新報》。
Ressa 領導著 Rappler,這是她於 2012 年與他人共同創立的一家數字媒體公司,該公司通過調查報導而聲名鵲起,包括在警察打擊毒品運動期間進行大規模殺戮。

免費領取$1288體驗金直接投資財富固收理財產品!由 Matrixport 贊助
8 月,菲律賓法院駁回了針對 Ressa 的誹謗案,這是針對該記者提起的多起訴訟之一,該記者稱,由於其新聞網站對總統羅德里戈·杜特爾特 (Rodrigo Duterte) 的批評性報導,她成為攻擊目標。
Ressa 是 2018 年因打擊媒體恐嚇而被《時代》雜誌評為 2018 年年度人物的幾位記者之一,其困境引起了國際社會對菲律賓媒體騷擾的擔憂,菲律賓曾被視為亞洲新聞自由的旗手。
在莫斯科,Nadezhda Prusenkova 是 Novata Gazeta 的一名記者,她告訴路透社的工作人員感到驚訝和高興。
發言人德米特里·佩斯科夫 (Dmitry Peskov) 說:“他堅持按照自己的理想工作,為之獻身,才華橫溢,勇敢。”
諾貝爾和平獎將於 12 月 10 日頒發,即瑞典實業家阿爾弗雷德·諾貝爾 (Alfred Nobel) 逝世週年紀念日,他在 1895 年的遺囑中創立了該獎項。
Journalists in the Philippines, Russia win 2021 Nobel Peace Prize
Two journalists from the Philippines and Russia won the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize, the first given to journalists since 1935.
OCTOBER 8, 2021 13:00

Chair of the Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize Committee Berit Reiss-Andersen shows on a mobile phone laureates of the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize, journalists Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov, in the Nobel Institute in Oslo, Norway

(photo credit: NTB/Heiko Junge via REUTERS)
Two journalists whose work has angered the authorities in Russia and the Philippines were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, honoring the right to free speech which the prize-giving committee described as under threat around the globe.
Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov were given the award "for their courageous fight for freedom of expression in the Philippines and Russia," Chairwoman Berit Reiss-Andersen of the Norwegian Nobel Committee told a news conference.
"At the same time, they are representatives of all journalists who stand up for this ideal in a world in which democracy and freedom of the press face increasingly adverse conditions," she added.
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The prize is the first for journalists since the German Carl von Ossietzky won it in 1935 for revealing his country's secret post-war rearmament programme.

"Free, independent and fact-based journalism serves to protect against abuse of power, lies and war propaganda," Reiss-Andersen said.

Muratov is editor-in-chief of Russian investigative newspaper Novaya Gazeta, which has defied the Kremlin under President Vladimir Putin with probes into wrongdoing and corruption, and extensively covered the conflict in Ukraine.

He is the first Russian to win the Nobel Peace Prize since Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev -- who himself helped set up Novaya Gazeta with the money he received from winning the award in 1990.
Ressa heads Rappler, a digital media company which she co-founded in 2012, and which has grown prominent through investigative reporting, including into large scale killings during a police campaign against drugs.

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"I am in shock," Ressa told a live broadcast by Rappler.
In August, a Philippine court dismissed a libel case against Ressa, one of several lawsuits filed against the journalist who says she has been targeted because of her news site's critical reports on President Rodrigo Duterte.
The plight of Ressa, one of several journalists named Time Magazine Person of the Year in 2018 for fighting media intimidation, has raised international concern about the harassment of media in the Philippines, a country once seen as a standard bearer for press freedom in Asia.
In Moscow, Nadezhda Prusenkova, a journalist at Novata Gazeta, told Reuters staff were surprised and delighted.
“We’re shocked. We didn’t know,” said Prusenkova. "Of course we’re happy and this is really cool."
The Kremlin itself congratulated Muratov on the award.
"He persistently works in accordance with his own ideals, he is devoted to them, he is talented, he is brave," said spokesman Dmitry Peskov.
The award will give both journalists greater international visibility and may inspire a new generation of journalists, said Dan Smith, director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
"We normally expect that greater visibility actually means greater protection for the rights and the safety of the individuals concerned," he told Reuters.
The Nobel Peace Prize will be presented on Dec. 10, the anniversary of the death of Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel, who founded the awards in his 1895 will.
2021 年 10 月 9 日 21:27

2018 年 6 月 28 日,奧地利總理塞巴斯蒂安·庫爾茨 (Sebastian Kurz) 在抵達比利時布魯塞爾舉行的歐盟領導人峰會時接受媒體採訪。

Sebastian Kurz 參觀西牆,2018 年 6 月 10 日(圖片來源:AVI HAYUN)
Austria's Kurz steps down as chancellor but will lead party
He added that he planned to stay on as party leader and to take over as the leader of its lawmakers in parliament.
OCTOBER 9, 2021 21:27

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz talks to the media as he arrives at an European Union leaders summit in Brussels, Belgium, June 28, 2018.

(photo credit: REUTERS/YVES HERMAN)
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said on Saturday he is stepping down after being placed under investigation on suspicion of corruption offenses, but he plans to stay on as the leader of his party and its top lawmaker in parliament.
Kurz denies wrongdoing and had said he was willing to keep governing with his coalition partner, the Greens. But the left-wing party has said the investigation makes Kurz unfit to serve chancellor and called on his party to name a successor who was "beyond reproach."
The Greens began talks on Friday with Austria's three opposition parties, which have all demanded that Kurz resign and plan to submit one or more no-confidence motions against him at a special session of parliament on Tuesday. For a motion to pass, the Greens must support it.
"I would therefore like to make way in order to end the stalemate, to prevent chaos and to ensure stability," Kurz said in a statement to the media.
He added that he planned to stay on as party leader and to take over as the leader of its lawmakers in parliament. As party leader, he was proposing Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg to succeed him as chancellor, he said.
The Greens have yet to say whether they would accept Schallenberg.
Austrian media reports before Kurz's announcement had said he would step down only temporarily. While Kurz did not say that he did say he would mount a legal defense: "Above all … I will of course use the opportunity to refute and disprove the accusations that have been made against me."
國家電力公司在一份聲明中證實,Zahrani 發電站的熱電廠已停止運行。
2021 年 10 月 9 日 22:10

2021 年 10 月 9 日,在黎巴嫩巴姆敦附近停電期間,人們在便攜式電燈下在雜貨店購物

國家電力公司在一份聲明中證實,Zahrani 發電站的熱電廠已停止運行。代爾阿馬爾工廠於週五停產。

一名黎巴嫩陸軍士兵在黎巴嫩北部阿卡的油箱爆炸現場附近站崗(圖片來源:OMAR IBRAHIM / REUTERS)
隨著進口燃料供應枯竭,經濟危機加劇,黎巴嫩陷入癱瘓。自 2019 年以來,黎巴嫩貨幣已下跌 90%。
Lebanon power outage will last several days, official says
The state electricity company confirmed in a statement that the thermoelectric plant at the Zahrani power station had stopped.
OCTOBER 9, 2021 22:10

People shop in a grocery store under a portable electric light during a power cut near Bhamdoun, Lebanon, October 9, 2021

Lebanon has no centrally generated electricity after fuel shortages forced its two largest power stations to shut down, a government official told Reuters on Saturday.
"The Lebanese power network completely stopped working at noon today, and it is unlikely that it will work until next Monday, or for several days," the official said.
The state electricity company confirmed in a statement that the thermoelectric plant at the Zahrani power station had stopped. The Deir Ammar plant stopped on Friday.
The shutdown of the two power stations had "directly affected the stability of the power network and led to its complete outage, with no possibility of resuming operations in the meantime," the statement said.
The state electricity company will try to use the army's fuel oil reserve to operate the power plants temporarily, but that will not happen anytime soon, the official said.
Many Lebanese normally rely on private generators that run on diesel, although that is in short supply.
Lebanon has been paralyzed by an economic crisis that has deepened as supplies of imported fuel have dried up. The Lebanese currency has fallen by 90% since 2019.
拉皮德將於 10 月 12 日至 14 日訪問美國,這是他 5 月上任以來的首次訪問。
2021 年 10 月 9 日 22:20

拉皮德將於 10 月 12 日至 14 日訪問美國,這是他 5 月上任以來的首次訪問。

2020 年 9 月在白宮舉行的亞伯拉罕協議簽署儀式。(來源:TOM BRENNER/REUTERS)
自美國總統喬·拜登1 月上任以來,沒有新的國家加入該協議。
拉皮德在與 JFNA 主席馬克威爾夫的視頻會議上說,亞伯拉罕協議是“該地區和地區外的一個偉大進程,我們希望我們也能將其擴展到其他國家”。“和以前一樣,我不會點名,因為這會損害流程。”
Biden administration to host Abraham Accords trilateral
Lapid will be in the US from October 12-14, on his first visit since taking office in May.
OCTOBER 9, 2021 22:20

ALTERNATE PRIME Minister Yair Lapid addresses his Knesset faction in July against the backdrop of his party slogan: ‘We came to change.’ (

(photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
The Biden administration plans to host an Abraham Accords trilateral meeting in Washington this Wednesday, between US, Israeli and Emirati officials.
"They will discuss progress made since the signing of the Abraham Accords last year, future opportunities for collaboration, and bilateral issues including regional security and stability," the US Embassy said in a statement about the meeting.
The trilateral will be held with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid and his United Arab Emirates counterpart Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
Blinken will hold separate bilateral meetings with Lapid and bin Zayed prior to the trilateral. The secretary of state tweeted on Saturday night that he looked forward to his meetings with both foreign ministers.
Lapid will be in the US from October 12-14, on his first visit since taking office in May.

THE SIGNING CEREMONY for the Abraham Accords at the White House in September 2020. (credit: TOM BRENNER/REUTERS)
Lapid has been the most visible government figure involved in the continuation of the Abraham Accords which were initiated by former US President Donald Trump and former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The accords normalized ties between Israel and four Arab states; the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan. Lapid has traveled to all but Sudan.
Bennett also met with Bahrain Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani and United Arab Emirates Minister of State in the Foreign Ministry Khalifa Shaheen Almarar last month when he was in New York.
Wednesday trilateral will be the second meeting on the Abraham Accords Blinken has hosted.
He also held a virtual ceremony last month to mark the first year anniversary of the accords. The foreign ministers from Israel, the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco all spoke at that meeting.
No new countries have joined the accords since US President Joe Biden took office in January.
Last week Lapid hinted at progress toward widening the circle of Arab countries that have normalized ties with Israel when he spoke last week with the Jewish Federations of North America’s General Assembly.
The Abraham Accords are “a great process in the region and outside the region, and we are hopeful that we can expand this to other countries as well,” Lapid said in a video conference with JFNA chairman Mark Wilf. “As it was before, I wouldn’t name names because this will harm the process.”
Lahav Harkov contributed to this report.
第 13 頻道周末報導稱,拉皮德的 Yesh Atid 派對將很快舉行領導力競賽。
2021 年 10 月 9 日 21:13

外交部長Yair Lapid致電司法部長Ayelet Shaked,以解決有關她上周訪問阿拉伯聯合酋長國的爭議。Yediot Aharonot 報紙援引一位部長的話說,Shaked 在阿聯酋說她反對建立巴勒斯坦國。
在 Facebook 上的一篇帖子中,Shaked 猛烈抨擊了這位部長,她的同事稱他是 Lapid。她寫道,她的阿聯酋同行打電話給她,告訴她她的訪問取得了巨大成功,並說她得到的印像是,巴勒斯坦人對阿聯酋領導人來說不是一個大問題。她發誓無論走到哪裡,都要繼續表達反對巴勒斯坦國的觀點。
司法部長Gideon Sa'ar週六晚上告訴第 12 頻道,Shaked 有權說出她的想法。

星期三,總理納夫塔利·貝內特和他的聯盟中的部長們出席了在以色列議會舉行的艾薩克·赫爾佐格總統的宣誓就職儀式。(來源:MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/耶路撒冷郵報)
週末還努力彌合本內特和國防部長本尼·甘茨之間的裂痕,此前本內特沒有提前告訴甘茨,他將在以色列議會的演講中透露,有一項秘密行動可以獲取失踪飛行員羅恩·阿拉德的信息。Bennett 的同事指責 Gantz 為新聞報導稱這次行動失敗了。
甘茨在 Facebook 上寫道:“儘管過去兩年我已經習慣了謠言和欺騙性的簡報,但我對擔任國防部長的工作感到非常滿意,這是一個對我為之奮鬥的國家的命運負有廣泛國家責任的職位。” . “我認為政府運作良好。”
第 13 頻道周末報導稱,拉皮德的 Yesh Atid Party 將很快舉行領導力競賽。據報導,上週,Yesh Atid MKs 被告知,未來兩個月將舉行一次黨代會,其中將製定比賽指導方針。預計沒有人會挑戰拉皮德。
黨內消息人士稱該報告為時過早。他們說,啟動這一進程的初步會議將於 10 月 21 日舉行。
Efforts underway to heal rifts in coalition
Channel 13 reported over the weekend that Lapid's Yesh Atid party would soon hold a leadership race.
OCTOBER 9, 2021 21:13

PARTY LEADERS of the incoming coalition government pose for a picture at the Knesset yesterday.

Attempts were made over the weekend to fix internal conflicts inside Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s governing coalition ahead of key votes on the state budget.
Foreign Minister Yair Lapid called Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked to resolve a dispute about her visit last week to the United Arab Emirates. The Yediot Aharonot newspaper quoted a minister criticizing Shaked for saying in the UAE that she opposed the creation of a Palestinian State.
The anonymous minister was quoted by columnist Sima Kadmon saying that making such a statement in Abu Dhabi was either sabotaging the peace agreement with the UAE or proved that she did not understand Israel’s foreign relations.
In a post on Facebook, Shaked bashed the minister, who her associates said was Lapid. She wrote that her Emirati counterpart called her to tell her that her visit was a great success and said she received an impression that the Palestinians are not a big issue for the UAE’s leaders. She vowed to continue to air her view against a Palestinian state no matter where she goes.
Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar told Channel 12 on Saturday night that Shaked had the right to speak her mind.
“All these internal disputes are a waste,” Sa’ar said. “It is important to know when to have restraint.”

PRIME MINISTER Naftali Bennett and ministers in his coalition attend the swearing-in ceremony of President Isaac Herzog in the Knesset on Wednesday. (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)
Efforts were also made over the weekend to heal a rift between Bennett and Defense Minister Benny Gantz, after Bennett did not tell Gantz in advance that he would reveal in his Knesset speech that there was a secret operation to obtain information on missing airman Ron Arad. Bennett’s associates blamed Gantz for press reports that the operation was a failure.
“Despite rumors and deceitful briefings that I have gotten used to over the past two years, I have great satisfaction from my job as defense minister, a post with wide national responsibility for the fate of the country I fought for,” Gantz wrote on Facebook. “I think the government is functioning well.”
Channel 13 reported over the weekend that Lapid’s Yesh Atid Party would soon hold a leadership race. According to the report, Yesh Atid MKs were told last week that there would be a party convention in the next two months in which guidelines for the race would be set. No one is expected to challenge Lapid.
Sources in the party called the report premature. They said an initial meeting to start the process will be held on October 21.
2021 年 10 月 9 日 20:26

9 月 16 日,德國總理安格拉·默克爾 (Angela Merkel) 在柏林國家監管控制委員會年度報告移交期間發表講話。

(圖片來源:Bernd von Jutrczenka/Pool via Reuters)
默克爾在服務了 16 年後於 8 月卸任,本可以決定留在德國度過她政府的剩餘日子,直到組建新的聯盟,很可能由社會民主黨及其領導人組成,副校長奧拉夫·舒爾茨。
默克爾之所以這樣做,是因為她是以色列國和猶太人民的真正朋友,為此我們感謝她。沒有緊迫的外交問題需要她來以色列,目前也沒有她 - 一個跛腳鴨子總理 - 現在需要處理的重大國際危機。

2011 年,前總統西蒙·佩雷斯在他位於耶路撒冷的官邸會見了德國總理安格拉·默克爾。(圖片來源:MARK NEYMAN/GPO)
眾所周知,默克爾是 2008 年第一位在以色列議會發表講話的德國總理,並宣布德國對以色列安全的責任是其存在理由的一部分。十年後,在另一次訪問耶路撒冷時,她說,由於“大屠殺的罪行”,德國致力於對以色列承擔“永遠的責任”。
但正如 Herb Keinon 上週在這些頁面中指出的那樣,她的推定繼任者不一定與以色列有同樣的情感依戀。“這對以色列意味著,隨著德國議員越來越年輕,由於德國對大屠殺的責任,他們對以色列安全的承諾可能比默克爾和她那一代人的承諾少得多,對他們而言,大屠殺和大屠殺對他們而言第三帝國是更新鮮的記憶,”凱農寫道。
根據《紐約時報》的報導,德國議會即將離任的議員中只有七分之一年齡在 40 歲以下,而在 9 月投票進入議會的 735 名議員中,有三分之一是 1981 年以後出生的。這確實代表了代際轉變。
以色列與德國關係的基石當然是大屠殺以及多年來許多德國人對其同胞在 1930 年代和 40 年代所做的事情所感到的責任感和內疚感。但隨著時間的推移,代際變化和情感也在發生變化。大屠殺在將德國人和以色列人聚集在一起方面發揮的聯繫不再那麼強大。
Merkel should be acknowledged for her strong support of Israel - editorial
Merkel and Bennett will visit Yad Vashem and the outgoing chancellor will also be awarded an honorary doctorate from Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.
OCTOBER 9, 2021 20:26

GERMAN CHANCELLOR Angela Merkel speaks during the annual report handover of the National Regulatory Control Council in Berlin, September 16.

(photo credit: Bernd von Jutrczenka/Pool via Reuters)
German Chancellor Angela Merkel will arrive in Jerusalem on Sunday in a visit that she did not need to make.
Merkel, who stepped down from her post in August after serving 16 years, could have decided to stay in Germany and ride out the remaining days of her government and until a new coalition is formed, most likely by the Social Democratic Party and its leader, Vice-Chancellor Olaf Scholz.
But instead, Merkel is coming to Israel and will meet with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, President Isaac Herzog, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, and participate in a cabinet meeting in Jerusalem.
Merkel and Bennett will visit Yad Vashem and the outgoing chancellor will also be awarded an honorary doctorate from Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and join a roundtable at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv.
Merkel is doing all of this because she is a true friend of the State of Israel and the Jewish people and for that we thank her. There is no pressing diplomatic issue that requires she come to Israel and there is currently no major international crisis that she - a lame duck chancellor - needs to manage right now.

FORMER PRESIDENT Shimon Peres meets with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at his official residence in Jerusalem in 2011. (credit: MARK NEYMAN/GPO)
She is coming to Israel on her eighth visit as chancellor to convey a message to Germany, Israel and Europe just how committed her country is to the security and viability of the Jewish state, its future and its success.
Under her reign, Germany took strides toward Israel unseen in the past. One clear example was in the subsidy provided for Israel’s procurement of advanced German Dolphin-class submarines, an issue that later unfortunately became embroiled in controversy amid corruption charges brought against top Israeli officials involved in the deal. She helped Israel within the corridors of the European Union, with Germany frequently referred to as Israel’s closest friend on the continent.
Merkel famously was the first German chancellor to address the Knesset in 2008 and declared that Germany’s responsibility for Israel’s security was part of its raison d’être. A decade later, in another visit to Jerusalem, she said that Germany is committed to “everlasting responsibility” to Israel “due to the crimes of the Holocaust.”
But as Herb Keinon pointed out in these pages last week, her presumptive successor does not necessarily share that same emotional attachment to Israel. “What that means for Israel is that as German parliamentarians get younger, their commitment to Israel’s security as a result of Germany’s responsibility for the Holocaust is likely to be considerably less than it has been for Merkel and her generation, for whom the Holocaust and the Third Reich are fresher memories,” Keinon wrote.
According to a New York Times story, whereas only one in seven of the outgoing members of the German parliament is under 40, one in three of th