#115. 你覺得寂寞嗎? Do you feel lonely? (Level: B1-B2)

2024-05-26·19 分鐘


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1 寂寞 , Jìmò , lonely
2 待在台灣 , dài zài táiwān , stay in Taiwan
3 外向 , wàixiàng , Outgoing
4 活潑 , huópō , Lively
5 交不到朋友 , jiāo bù dào péngyǒu , Can't make friends
6 鄉村 , xiāngcūn , rural
7 以家庭為重 , yǐ jiātíng wéizhòng , Family first
8 沿海城市 , yánhǎi chéngshì , Coastal cities
9 老弱婦孺 , lǎo ruò fùrú , old, weak, women and children
10 生活重心 , shēnghuó zhòngxīn , the center of life
11 管孩子的功課 , guǎn háizi de gōngkè , Manage children’s homework
12 成績進步 , chéngjī jìnbù , school grades improved
13 一般來說 , yībān lái shuō , Generally speaking
14 就算..也 , jiùsuàn.. Yě , Even if...
15 交通費 , jiāotōng fèi , transportation expenses
16 住宿費 , zhùsù fèi , Accommodation fee
17 預算 , yùsuàn , Budget
18 把房貸付清 , bǎ fángdài fù qīng , Pay off the mortgage
19 保障 , bǎozhàng , secure
20 負擔不起 , fùdān bù qǐ , Can not afford
21 寧願…也 , nìngyuàn…yě , Rather…
22 培養興趣 , péiyǎng xìngqù , cultivate interest
23 失敗 , shībài , fail
24 根本沒有機會 , gēnběn méiyǒu jīhuì , No chance at all
25 面對面 , miànduìmiàn , face to face
26 讀書會 , dúshū huì , book club
27 閱讀 , yuèdú , read
28 個性不合 , gèxìng bùhé , Personality incompatibility
29 封閉 , fēngbì , isolated
30 接近大自然 , jiējìn dà zìrán , Close to nature
31 組織 , zǔzhī , organization
32 憂鬱 , yōuyù , melancholy
33 悲傷 , bēishāng , sad
34 被困住 , bèi kùn zhù , trapped
35 熟悉的地方 , shúxī dì dìfāng , familiar place
36 恢復 , huīfù , to recover
37 自動推薦 , zìdòng tuījiàn , Automatic recommendation
38 創辦人 , chuàngbàn rén , founder
39 興奮 , xīngfèn , excited
40 同時 , tóngshí , at the same time
41 成立 , chénglì , established
42 組織 , zǔzhī , organization
43 社團 , shètuán , Societies, clubs
44 人生地不熟 , rénshēng dì bù shú , Unfamiliar place

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