👉🏻00:50 WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語
- A.M. [e ɛm] [縮寫] 上午
- ago [əˋgo] [副] 以前
- already [ɔlˋrɛdɪ] [副] 已經
- April [ˋeprəl] [名] 四月
- August [ɔˋgʌst] [名] 八月
- day [de] [名] 白天;日
- December [dɪˋsɛmbɚ] [名] 十二月
- February [ˋfɛbrʊ͵ɛrɪ] [名] 二月
- Friday [ˋfraɪ͵de] [名] 星期五
- future [ˋfjutʃɚ] [名] 未來
👉🏻04:56 LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點
- already, ago, future 相關文法:
1. already 通常用在「完成式」。
例 : I’ve eaten dinner already.
2. ago 通常用在「過去式」。
例 : I was a junior high school student five years ago.
3. future 通常用在「未來式」。
例 : There will be a park located next to my house in the
👉🏻6:13 EXERCISE實戰演練
1. Twenty years _____, I was a kindergarten student.
(A) day (B) already (C) ago (D) future
2. _____ is the last month of a year.
3. Today is _____ 8th, and I am going to give my dad a big present.
4. I’ve _____ done all the things I need to do before the teacher asks us to do so.
A: Get up! We have to go right now, or we’ll be late!
B: Come on! It’s only 5:30 A.M.
#歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評
💯《Answer Key》: 1. (C) 2. December 3. August 4. already
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