India, Taiwan vs. Countering Chinese Malign Influence in the Pacific ft. Cleo Paskal

2023-11-24·23 分鐘


In this episode of Global Voices on Taiwan, Cleo Paskal, senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense for Democracies, tells hosts, DPP International Affairs Department Director Vincent Chao and media producer Rath Wang, why securing India against China matters so much to the world and Taiwan.

She also goes into how Taiwanese and Indian security and economic interests are deeply intertwined despite their geographic distance. Paskal also details India’s expertise in countering Chinese malign influence other democracies around the world can take example of.

Apart from her expertise in India-U.S. security, Paskal is also a Pacific Islands expert where she shares real instances of how Taiwan soft power has influenced the region and is key to safeguarding democracy in the Indo-Pacific.

Paskal also serves as the North American Special Correspondent for India’s Sunday Guardian and was previously Indo-Pacific security fellow at the UK’s Chatham House and India’s Gateway House, both the largest foreign policy think tanks in their nations.
本集《世界信賴台風眼》邀請到 Cleo Paskal,保衛民主基金會的資深成員,與主持人民進黨國際事務部主任趙怡翔,以及媒體製作人王健智分享為何保衛印度對抗中國,對世界和台灣是如此重要。

她也提到儘管在遙遠的地理距離下,台灣與印度安全及經濟利益如何深刻交錯。Paskal 也詳述印度的專長,在對抗中國不實誹謗影響世界其他民主國家下,可以當作一個好的案例。

除了她在印美安全上的專業,Paskal 也是太平洋島嶼專家。她在這方面也分享了台灣軟實力如何影響這個區域的真實案例,以及這如何成為印太地區守衛民主的關鍵。

Paskal 也是印度《星期日衛報》的北美特別通訊員,先前也在英國查塔姆研究所、印度閘道研究所擔任安全成員,兩個單位都是該國最大的外交政策智庫。

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