誰在誰的家門口- 非洲教會的在地跨文化宣教行動 feat. Wayne牧師與Irene師母 / 非我莫屬(Africa on my heart) 系列

2021-07-05·31 分鐘





Wayne 及 Irene來自馬來西亞,曾多年在東亞服事。 2011年代表差會參與由非洲人民自傳運動網絡(MANI)在西非奈及利亞舉行的會議,他親眼見到不少委身基督的非洲傳道人。席間受到熱情的邀請與呼籲,來到非洲配搭做動員非洲教會「家門口的宣教」,裝備與訓練非洲弟兄姊妹向他們的華人鄰舍分享福音。在2014年一期宣教日引的文章中,Wayne牧師寫道:「當許多教會迷失在財富神學中,(不少非洲傳道人)走的卻是十字架的路。他們委身宣教,渴望看到非洲教會成為世界的祝福;他們立志要北上為神得著穆斯林;他們也以福音來歡迎來到非洲的大批中國人。」經過數年的禱告尋求與預備,2017年Wayne牧師一家正式來到肯亞(肯尼亞)首都奈洛比(內羅畢)。他們夫婦也在這個過程中,觸摸到非洲教會的屬靈活力。

ReaCH Africa 事工簡介 : 推動非洲教會將基督耶穌介紹給在非洲的華人。
To encourage a movement of African churches reaching Chinese for Christ in Africa.
Let's encourage one another to reach Chinese at our doorsteps by:
1. Sharing ministry model that empowers African churches to reach Chinese.
2. Sharing stories of how Chinese are reached for Christ and how gospel of reconciliation breaks down the wall of prejudices and mis-understanding between Africans and Chinese.
4. Sharing information about the needs and challenges facing the Chinese in Africa and how the churches can stand in the gap.
6. Sharing resources that are helpful for Chinese ministry.
7. Pray for the growth of the movement, and for wise and contextual strategies from God to share the gospel and make disciples.
8. Networking and partnership for ministry

Movement for Africa National Initiatives. (MANI) 非洲人民自傳運動
MANI is an African movement, a network of networks and African National Initiatives, focused on catalyzing African National Initiatives and mobilizing the resources of the Body of Christ in Africa for the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
MANI’s stated purpose is to affirm, motivate, mobilize and network Christian leaders by inspiring them with the vision of reaching the unreached and least evangelized in Africa, and the wider world, through the communication of up to date research, reports and models; consultations and prayer efforts focusing on the unfinished task.
The MANI Vision is that: “…(Africa) be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea” Habakuk 2:14.


試析二戰以后非洲華人宗教意識的變遷與融合 (李安山)2017 中國僑聯

宣教最前線 ——非洲肯亞華人教會 (張博涵) 2016靈糧週報

As churches are demolished at home, Chinese Christians find religious freedom in Kenya Jenni Marsh, 2019 CNN

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