比特幣投資- 以太坊交易- Invest Taiwan 2376技嘉

2022-01-16·6 分鐘


美國CES即將在週三(5日)開展,技嘉(2376)宣布以線上數位的形式,展出近年極力推廣的「智慧生活圈」中的各種關鍵技術及智慧物聯網應用。 期間,技嘉將透過官網平台「INDUSTRY」介紹各種可帶動產業進行數位轉型的解決方案。


中南部不動產聯銷中心- K金小編

Line : @802wvbw






Line : @802wvbw

技嘉近年搶攻雲端、邊緣運算市場,今年CES線上展會除推出支援AMD EPYC與第三代Intel Xeon可擴充處理器的伺服器分別超過75款,另也推出10多款ARM架構伺服器平台。







The US CES will be held on Wednesday (5th), and GIGABYTE (2376) announced that it will display various key technologies and smart IoT applications in the "Smart Life Circle" that has been vigorously promoted in recent years in the form of online digital. During the period, GIGABYTE will introduce various solutions that can drive the digital transformation of the industry through its official website platform "INDUSTRY".

In recent years, GIGABYTE has been rushing into the cloud and edge computing markets. In addition to launching more than 75 servers supporting AMD EPYC and third-generation Intel Xeon scalable processors, it also launched more than 10 ARM-based server platforms at this year's CES online show.

GIGABYTE pointed out that with the support of partners such as AMD, Ampere, Intel, NVIDIA, Qualcomm, Submer, and Xilinx, its server solution is applicable to various industries, including various high-tech enterprises, medical, scientific, Academic research and public institutions and other markets have achieved results. With this energy, GIGABYTE will continue to launch innovative products.

GIGABYTE stated that 5G will drive a new generation of digital revolution in the world. The company has been developing Arm servers for many years, and has designed a variety of edge computing servers under the Arm architecture. It is equipped with Ampere's 80/128 high-core CPU, which maximizes the compression and computing density. The fuselage is equipped with sufficient performance, storage space, and network speed to provide the deployment flexibility most needed for 5G landing.

In recent years, the company has launched an edge computing platform suitable for outdoor operating environments to create 5G urban applications, and has derived various license plate recognition, image monitoring systems, smart poles and smart traffic management solutions that promote the development of smart transportation.

Gigabyte is also cutting into the self-driving business opportunity. The company said that as a partner of global car manufacturers, it develops decision-making control hosts, ECUs, TCUs and other customized products for various vehicles. Its exclusive ADAS system-PILOT series platform can be connected to various sensing devices. Transmit data, analyze vehicle and driver status, and make immediate decisions and reactions.

GIGABYTE cooperates with its subsidiary Merling Technology to provide an AI development system platform that integrates software and hardware. Through a simple and intuitive interface and a complete AI lifecycle management platform such as resource, container, and model management, it greatly improves AI training and services. Efficiency and effectiveness, it is easier to meet the large amount of data processing in smart transportation and the collaborative operation ability of the transportation network.


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