【一天10分鐘 英語詞彙通】AnimalsⅢ/動物公和母念法不一樣?horse是公馬,那母馬呢?

2022-07-25·10 分鐘


👉🏻0:50 WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語
1.hen [hɛn] [名] 母雞
2.hippo [ˋhɪpo] [名] 河馬
3.horse [hɔrs] [名] 馬
4.kangaroo [͵kæŋgəˋru] [名] 袋鼠
5.koala [koˋɑlə] [名] 澳洲產無尾熊
6.monkey [ˋmʌŋkɪ] [名] 猴子
7.ox [ɑks] [名] 公牛
8.pig [pɪg] [名] 豬
9.puppy [ˋpʌpɪ] [名] 小狗 10.rabbit [ˋræbɪt] [名] 兔子

👉🏻3:00 LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點
bull/ ox 公牛 cow 母牛;
乳牛 cock 公雞 hen 母雞
dog 公狗 bitch 母狗
horse 公馬 mare 母馬
pig 公豬 sow 母豬

👉🏻5:00 EXERCISE實戰演練
1. The _____ lives in have really strong palates, and they can even cut a trunk by their mouth. (A) oxes (B) hippos (C) puppys (D) rabbits
2. _____ and chimpanzees are animals which act like human beings the most.
3. The _____ are always attaching on a coconut palm. 4. In the ancient times, people used _____ as their vehicles.

A: Although rabbits are cute, they are really hard to keep.
B: The best way to treat these animals is to let them back into the nature. 《Answer Key》:
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💯1. B 2. Monkeys 3. koalas 4. horses

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