【一天10分鐘 英語說得通】科技改變生活Talk about how technology has changed our lives.

2021-09-17·10 分鐘


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〔Question:Please talk about how technology has changed our lives.〕
We are living in an era that is surrounded by technology: from the computers that we use for work, to the smartphones that we are using. Technology is everywhere and we are using it like never before.
Everything becomes easy with modern technology. With the use of the technology, we can do the unimaginable things now. We can call each other or send messages all the time, have online meetings and even see each other on the screen no matter how far apart we are.
So in the future, we would still be greatly dependent on technology: from grocery shopping, online bill payment to education, and even business. I just couldn’t imagine what life would be like without technology! 

1. ... like never beforeIT specialists are in demand on the job market like never before.2. With the use of the + nounWith the use of the X-ray, doctors can easily look into the inside of the human body.3. I (just) couldn’t imagine what + noun + would be like …I couldn't imagine what it would be like to work with someone like her.I couldn't imagine what it would be like to live through a winter here. 
1. era [ˋɪrə] (n.) [C] 時代;年代
2. surround [səˋraʊnd] (v.) 圍繞;圈住
3. modern [ˋmɑdɚn] (adj.) 現代化的;最新的
4. unimaginable [͵ʌnɪˋmædʒɪnəbl] (adj.) 難以想像的;想不到的
5. all the time (phr.) 不停,一直
6. meeting [ˋmitɪŋ] (n.) [C] 會議;集會
7. apart [əˋpɑrt] (adv.) 分開地;有距離地
8. greatly [ˋgretlɪ] (adv.) 極其;非常
9. dependent [dɪˋpɛndənt] (adj.) 依靠的;依賴的

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