S2 EP03 ∣ Do You Go to School ? 上學歌(你有去上學嗎?)

2022-09-08·3 分鐘


Do you go to school ?
By Trisha DeWeerdt
Music:Maya Chen

Do you go to school ?
Do you think it’s super cool ?
Can you talk to your teachers ? 
Can you play with all your friends ?
Do you do your best 
Each and every day ?
Do you go to school ?

Do you go to school ?
Do you follow every rule ?
Are you quiet in your line ?
Are you nice to everyone ?
Do you greet your teachers
With a warm hello each day ?
Do you go to school ?

Do you go to school ?
Do you think it’s super cool ?
Can you say it with a smile ?
Can you say it with great pride ?
Do you tell all your friends
To join you in the fun ?
Do you go to school ?


?歡迎留言告訴我們你的想法 :)

本節目由《Rainbow Time 彩虹時間兒童英文雜誌》製作。雜誌以月刊發行,由康乃爾英語公司於2003年創刊,所收錄之英文故事皆由具美國、加拿大等當地合格中小學教師證的老師所創作,並親自錄製有聲內容,搭配繪本式精美插畫,陪伴孩子們快樂學英文!



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