Chapter 8 On Campus All Examples

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Chapter Eight On Campus All Examples.
Unit One Registering Courses.
Schools And Degrees.
I'm doing a double major.
What's your major?
I'm working towards an MBA.
I will attend graduate school in the fall.
My kid brother is in junior high school.
I have an MA in history.
She's so proud to have a doctoral degree.
He will graduate from an Ivy League school.
What is your major?
I'm majoring in French and minoring in German.
Sounds interesting.
I'm working towards a BS.
Will you attend graduate school in the future?
I'm not sure, as that will take hard work and lots of money.
Subjects And Courses.
I quit physics because it was too difficult.
Literature is a required-course for my major.
Danny, my science-geek roommate, majors in chemistry.
I've decided to major in psychology.
What can you do with a philosophy major?
I'm taking a liberal arts program.
How many credits do you need to graduate?
Math 101 is a prerequisite course.
Spanish is one of my elective courses.
How many credits are you taking this semester?
12. I was taking 15, but I dropped a course.
I think 15 credits is a bit heavy.
I decided not to take physics.
I found it too difficult.
Registration And Class Regulations.
I've decided to drop Math 101.
Is it possible to swap a class?
I need to make an enrolment adjustment.
The course fees are refundable.
You will need approval to add a course.
It's too late to withdraw from a course now.
You can audit the class first.
Be careful to avoid time conflicts.
Can you handle such a heavy course load?
I want to drop a course.
I think it's too late to make enrollment adjustments.
But my course load is too heavy.
Then drop the class you are auditing.
What's your major?
Business. I'm studying for my MBA.
How many more credits I do you need?
Another 45. The course load is very heavy.
Wow! You must have to attend a lot of lectures.
I have a lot of classes this semester.
Ben is a graduate of an Ivy League school.
What are the prerequisites for this class?
I need to make some adjustments to my schedule.
Taking 15 credits is quite demanding.
I think it's too late to withdraw from a course.
Really? I thought you could do it at any time.
No, there is a limited time to do that.
Unit Two Campus Life.
Clubs And Activities.
I'm interested in joining a debate team.
The tryouts for the football team are tomorrow.
Did Okay win the speed competition?
Ian was tapped to join the alumni association.
I can't decide which cultural group to join.
Sam's keen on getting involved in student politics.
I meditate in the prayer room every day.
Let's meet in the student café after class.
The film appreciation club regularly screens classic movies.
Have you considered getting involved in student politics?
No, I'll stick to the debate team.
What about you?
When Ewon won the speech competition,
I was tapped to join the alumni association at the Department of Politics.
However, I didn't accept the offer.
I don't enjoy student activism that much.
Part-Time Jobs And Internships.
I'm hoping to do some voluntary work.
You may find an on-campus job at the career center.
Internships are available at many local businesses.
I found a casual job with a tradesman.
I'll see what's available on the job board.
Please fill out the forms in your hire packet.
Drew works as a tutor on the weekends.
Some teaching assistant positions are available online.
I scored a job as a research assistant.
I just scored a job as a math tutor.
Was it advertised at the career center?
No, it was on the job board in the cafeteria.
When do you get your first paycheck?
I won't get a paycheck. I'll be paid cash in hand.
Dorm Life.
I'm looking for off-campus housing.
The residence hall is located next to the car park.
I would never stay in a share house.
My parents will be the guarantors for my accommodations.
There will be a room inspection in the morning.
If you have any problems, speak to the resident assistant.
My roommate is such a nerd.
The whole dorm had a massive pillow fight.
I avoid Jerry because he's a control freak.
How did the dormitory get so untidy?
Everybody had a massive pillow fight after a movie marathon.
Well, you need to clean the room immediately.
You know I'm a clean freak.
More like a control freak!
Every day I meditate in the prayer room.
I don't like student politics.
Nick has joined the debate team.
I would like to get involved in student activism.
Let's meet after class in the student coffee.
Where can I find an on-campus job.
At the career center.
Who do I speak to if I have a problem?
The RA.
Have you scored a job yet?
Yes, as a math tutor.
Do you have a guarantor?
Yes, my parents.
Do you get paid cash in hand?
No, I receive a weekly paycheck.
Have you considered getting involved in student politics?
No, I'll stick to the debate team.
What about you?
When I won the speech competition,
I was tapped to join the alumni association at the Department of Politics.
Did you accept the offer?
No, I don't enjoy student activism that much.
Unit Three Campus Environment.
The dean is in charge of the university.
Dean McBride heads the school of medicine.
The lecturer made some excellent points.
I spoke to the chaplain about some spiritual issues.
Faculty members must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent.
My class teacher is pretty mean.
The senior lecturer held a wonderful seminar.
Is the dean in charge of the university?
Did you find that out from one of the professors?
No, it's mentioned in the student handbook.
Buildings, Offices And Services.
Which lecture theater is Physics 101 in?
I completed my major-project in the media lab.
The health center has been moved to the Southern Annex.
The registrar's office is located on the first floor.
I'm due in the counselor's office in five minutes.
Phillip was awarded a basketball scholarship.
Does the college have an outreach program?
Ask about disability support services at the health center.
I think I need some counseling.
Where is the health center?
It's in Washington Hall.
Are you sick?
Not really.
I need some counseling to help me deal with my workload.
Oh. Maybe you should go to the counselor's office instead.
Classroom Facilities.
Do you know how to turn on the projector?
The professor lost histaser pointer.
The projector screen is retractable.
The cordless microphone's battery is dead.
I prefer to teach from behind the lectern.
Could someone help me to clean the whiteboard?
This chart clearly explains the figures.
Open your textbook to page 31.
Science equipment must be put away after use.
Do you know how to turn on the projector?
Yes, the remote control is on the lectern.
And where is the projection screen?
It's above the whiteboard; it's retractable.
The professor lost his textbook.
The registrar's office is located on the first floor.
The dean is in charge of the university.
I'm so stressed.
Does the university provide disability support services?
Of course.
They are provided at the health center.
Is it located in the Southern Hall?
Yes, but you're not disabled.
Go to the counselor's office instead.
Oh. Do you think I need counseling?
How do I turn on the projector?
Use the remote control.
The cordless microphone doesn't work.
Maybe the battery is dead.
Where is the projector screen?
Above the whiteboard; it's retractable.
Who is in charge of the university?
I think it's the dean.
Why can't I be a faculty member?
You don't have a Ph.D.
Unit Four Study.
I write in my journal every day.
I'm all out of paperclips.
Submit your assignment in a manila folder.
Complete the exam using a blue ballpoint pen.
Keep track of classes with a daily planner.
Please use paperclips, not a stapler.
Do you havea hole punch I can borrow?
Download the assignment onto a USB flash drive.
Dispose of test papers in the paper shredder.
Do you keep track of classes with a daily planner?
Of course, I do.
I also write in my journal every day.
Oh, really? Do you use an app or a notepad?
I use a daily planner app and write my journal using a fountain pen.
Going to the Library.
The assistant librarian is very knowledgeable.
Speak to the reference librarian for advice.
The librarian will show you how to search the catalog.
How can I access the online database?
Books in the reference section cannot be borrowed.
I like to browse the stacks.
Do you have your library card?
You have two books that are overdue.
The loan period is 14 days.
I'd like to renew this book, please.
Do you have your library card?
Yes, but I have another book that is overdue.
Then you need to return it first. Sorry!
Coursework, Study And Exams.
The assignment is due on Friday.
Can we extension for the group project?
Author's names must be listed i in the citations.
We need to brainstorm some ideas.
The experiment confirmed my hypothesis.
A mind map will help me to understand the theory.
The exam has 100 multiple-choiceI questions.
Passing the final examination is essential.
I studied hard for the midterm exam.
When is our group project due?
On Friday. Maybe we should ask for an extension.
We can't. It must be completed by the deadline.
Well, in that case, let's brainstorm some ideas.
Good idea.
What about starting with a mind map?
Do you write in your journal every day?
Test papers must be disposed of using a paper shredder.
I use a daily planner app.
Please use paperclips instead of staples.
We write our ideas on sticky notes.
I write in my journal every day.
I like to browse the statis.
The assignment is due on Friday.
We need to brainstorm some ideas.
Passing the final examination is essential.
Unit Five Performance And Graduation.
Grades, Rewards And Discipline.
Do you know how to calculate your GPA?
I passed with distinction.
It's almost impossible to receive an A-plus.
I flunked a physics exam again.
You have been placed on academic probation.
Oh, no! I didn't pass the most important exam.
Ricky was suspended for plagiarizing his paper.
If you cheat, you are only cheating yourself.
You'll be expelled if you keep disrupting lectures.
I passed my math exam with flying colors!
I'm so excited!
I flunked a physics exam again.
Hey, cheer up.
That was the most difficult exam.
I know but I just wish that I could receive a C.
Graduation And Honors.
The President will give the commencement address.
Several dignitaries will attend the ceremony.
Where can I rent academic regalia?
You look amazing in your gown and mortarboard.
What colors are the doctoral robes?
Colleen graduated summa cum laude.
Kate's academic standing earned her a merit scholarship.
I'll display some artwork from my college portfolio.
The exhibition is a showcase of students' work.
Oh, my goodness!
Thanks! They're doctoral robes.
Will you take a photo with the class of 2017?
Of course.
I'd also like to get a picture with the President.
He's giving the commencement address.
Celebrations, Events And Post University.
Who are the homecoming king and queen?
The alumni band will-play at the homecoming parade.
There will be a pep rally before the basketball game.
Nominating the homecoming court is the university tradition.
The event calendar is available online.
I believe I'll be chosen to be the prom king.
Would you like to attend the job fair with me?
A student rally will protest-the rise in tuition fees.
I'm planning to do further study in Europe.
Who are this year's homecoming king and queen?
I hope it is us.
Then we would be the stars of the homecoming parade.
Not a chance.
A student rally will protest the rise in tuition fees.
I flunked a chemistry exam again.
Several dignitaries will attend the ceremony.
I get my job from the job fair.
I passed with distinction.
Joanne was elected the homecoming queen.
How do I calculate my grade point average?
Barry was placed on academic probation.
I received a merit scholarship.
Oh, my goodness!
You look amazing in your gown and mortarboard.
They're doctoral robes.
Will you take a photo with the class of 2017?
Of course.
I'd also like to get a picture with the President.
He's giving the commencement address.

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