‘Code Red’ Author: Leading Beside the China Challenge feat. Alexander Görlach

2023-11-03·21 分鐘


In this episode of Global Voices on Taiwan, Alexander Görlach, author of ‘Code Red,’ tells hosts media producer Rath Wang and Yiting Lien from the Lai presidential campaign, how Taiwan and other countries can best navigate China’s rise and growing aggression. 

He also details how Taiwan’s democracy has made global headlines and is gaining support from major democracies around the world. Görlach also shares with us what he believes will keep peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and what qualities are needed to lead Taiwan in many years to come.

Görlach is a senior fellow at the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs and adjunct professor of democratic theory at the NYU Gallatin School. As a former visiting scholar in Taiwan and Hong Kong, his expertise is around East Asian democracies and how they cope with the rise of China.

在本集的《世界信賴台風眼》中,「紅色警報:中國在太平洋侵略性外交引發全球戰爭的威脅」的作者 亞歷山大・戈爾拉赫(Alexander Görlach),與節目製作人王健智(Rath Wang)和賴清德總統競選團隊的連翊婷(Yiting Lien)分享——台灣和其他國家如何更好的應對中國崛起和他不斷增長的野心。



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