Why Taiwan Matters and Taiwan-U.S.-China Tensions ft. Shelly Rigger

2023-11-10·20 分鐘


In this episode of Global Voices on Taiwan, Shelly Rigger, author of ‘Why Taiwan Matters: Small Island, Global Powerhouse,’ tells hosts, DPP International Affairs Department Director Vincent Chao and media producer Rath Wang, the secret sauce behind Taiwan’s economic success that global supply chains have come to rely on. 

She also explains why she believes the trilateral tensions between Taiwan, the U.S. and China are not as tense as it appears. Rigger also speaks about how she believes much of this is smartly managed through the leadership of President Tsai Ing-wen. How she managed to inspire confidence in the Taiwanese people while carefully navigating increased intimidation from Beijing under Xi Jinping. Rigger also details the evidence supporting why she believes Taiwan will continue to be an integral part of the global economy.

Rigger is also the author of ‘The Tiger Leading the Dragon: How Taiwan Propelled China’s Economic Rise,’ Senior Fellow in the Asia Program at the Foreign Policy Research Institute (U.S.), and Brown Professor of East Asian Politics at Davidson College.

本集《世界信賴台風眼》邀請到 Shelly Rigger,《為什麼台灣重要》的作者,與主持人民進黨國際事務部主任趙怡翔,以及媒體製作人王健智,分享台灣經濟成功,以至於全球供應鏈必須倚靠台灣的秘密。 

她也解釋了為何她相信台、美、中三邊關係的緊張,不如他表面上的波濤洶湧。 Rigger 也說她相信總統蔡英文聰明的領導。即便在北京習近平的文攻武嚇下,她仍啟發了台灣人的信心。Rigger 也詳細論證了台灣會繼續在全球經濟中扮演重要角色。 

Rigger 也是《The Tiger Leading the Dragon: How Taiwan Propelled China’s Economic Rise》(從MIT到中國製造:臺灣如何推動中國經濟起飛)一書的作者,同時也是美國外交政策研究機構亞洲計畫(Asia Program at the Foreign Policy Research Institute)的資深研究員,以及戴維森大學東亞政治的教授。

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