【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep28 雙語麻吉同學會-網路霸凌怎麼辦?

2021-12-05·5 分鐘


昨天談到間接霸凌,那如果在學校遇到了更嚴重的直接霸凌呢?還有隨著科技的發展,網路上的霸凌要怎麼說?如果遇到了你可怎麼做?英文要怎麼說呢?一起來學一學如何面對霸凌的英文吧!direct bullyingTell your teacher, parents and even the bully’s parents.Spread false rumors and lies.Tell the bully to leave you alone.Walk away from the bully.Ask for help.Always carry things to protect yourself.cyber bullyingAsk the cyber bully to take down their posts.Tell the social media site about the cyber bully.Collect and save the proof.Block the cyber bully.Say “no” to bullying and cyber bullying.
搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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