《(除了投對胎) 在中國官場如何向上爬? / (Aside from Being Born to Privilege) How Does One Get Ahead in Chinese Officialdom?》

2022-01-19·49 分鐘


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We are happy to have Yan Gaoqiu back for the second installment of his three part series with TUX.

Today, Gaoqiu talks to us about how Chinese officials typically move up through the ranks, tracing Xi Jinping’s and Li Keqiang’s career paths. The former, a princeling, was born to one of the founding families of the PRC while the latter came from a family of modest means. Their respective rise happens to present two prototypical career paths for young aspiring officials in China.

Among other things, Gaoqiu answers the following questions:

- Why might an ambitious official in China prefer a gubernatorial posting in a province (even if it is a less economically developed one) to a ministerial posting in Beijing?
- How does an official “enrich” his or her resume by doing side gigs?
- What is the Shanghai Clique and who are the members?

Let’s take a listen.

Show notes:
- Geng Biao: https://cutt.ly/qIp7u67
- New Zhijiang Army: https://cutt.ly/uIp7kH9
- Shanghai Clique: https://cutt.ly/0Ifascq

Image sources:
- Yan Gaoqiu (Yan Gaoqiu’s personal archive)
- Geng Biao, 1955 in Sweden (wiki: https://cutt.ly/5Ip5LEe )
- Xi’s Six Factions (Epoch Times: https://cutt.ly/nIp6IgB )


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