菜英文- 酸菜魚好吃嗎?『PodcastLog』164#英文學習 #多益
目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位
The pickled fish was quite tasty.
Overall, it was an interesting and memorable dining experience.
However, there were a few drawbacks to the atmosphere.
The lighting was quite dim and yellow, which could be a bit uncomfortable for some.
Additionally, it was not possible to book a table in advance and there was often a long queue on site.
Despite these flaws, my friend and I found the overall decoration to be quite warm and cozy, with its abundance of wooden decorations and lively atmosphere from all the people on site.
We particularly enjoyed sitting near the door, finding it to be a comfortable spot to dine and chat.
Despite the initial appearance, this dish is actually quite affordable for two people to enjoy.
While the price may seem high at first, it is justified by the large portion size and the variety of flavorful ingredients.
The spiciness, pickled cabbage, chili, and Chinese herbs all add depth to the dish.
Don't be fooled by the appearance of the fish, as the texture is surprisingly tender and the skin is flavorful.
In fact, the marinade is so delicious that I couldn't resist having two bowls of rice to soak up all the flavors.
The pickled fish actually tastes pretty good, despite the fact that it looks like snake meat.
However, next time I won't eat pickled fish again, because after eating it for a while I'll feel like vomiting, thinking I'm eating snake meat.
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