2021.11.10 國際新聞導讀-歐盟將進一步制裁白俄羅斯、敘利亞阿塞德政權穩固、以幣有史以來最強

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2021.11.10 國際新聞導讀-歐盟將進一步制裁白俄羅斯、敘利亞阿塞德政權穩固、以幣有史以來最強

外交官表示,歐盟國家還在考慮擴大對白俄羅斯 7 月份實施的經濟制裁,將目標鎖定在當地再保險業及其主要國有企業 BelarusRe。
發佈時間: 2021 年 11 月 9 日 21:25
在波蘭內政部於 2021 年 11 月 8 日發布的這段視頻中,波蘭警察和邊防警衛阻止了數百名試圖從波蘭庫茲尼察比亞洛斯託卡附近的波蘭邊境的白俄羅斯一側越境的移民。
三名歐盟外交官表示,歐盟即將對白俄羅斯實施更多製裁,目標是包括外交部長和白俄羅斯航空公司 Belavia 在內的約 30 個人和實體,最早將於下週獲得批准。
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週三,在關鍵的一步中,歐盟的 27 位大使將正式同意,白俄羅斯與波蘭邊界沿線不斷增加的移民人數構成“混合戰爭”,可以作為建立制裁的法律基礎。
明斯克否認任何此類行動,並拒絕接受西方對不當行為的所有指控。迄今為止,對高級官員的製裁未能有效削弱盧卡申科的統治,盧卡申科自 1994 年以來一直掌權,是莫斯科的親密盟友。
2021 年 11 月 8 日,移民聚集在帶刺鐵絲網附近,試圖越過白俄羅斯格羅德諾地區與波蘭的邊界。(圖片來源:LEONID SCHEGLOV/BELTA/HandOUT VIA REUTERS)
外交官表示,歐盟國家還在考慮擴大對白俄羅斯 7 月份實施的經濟制裁,將目標鎖定在當地再保險業及其主要國有企業 BelarusRe。
對白俄羅斯國家官員和企業的第五項資產凍結和旅行禁令將是歐盟對與白俄羅斯就西方和白俄羅斯反對派在 2020 年 8 月由盧卡申科操縱的總統選舉日益惡化的對峙的最新反應。
外交官表示,曾在 9 月聯合國大會上為白俄羅斯的記錄辯護的外交部長弗拉基米爾·馬克伊(Vladimir Makei)是一名將受到製裁的高級官員,因為他的外交部被指控向非歐盟國民,尤其是敘利亞人和伊拉克人發放白俄羅斯簽證。 .
在明斯克強迫瑞安航空公司的一架航班降落以逮捕一名白俄羅斯反對派記者後,歐盟已禁止國有航空公司 Belavia 進入歐盟領空和歐盟機場。現在,對該航空公司的直接製裁將使其無法從愛爾蘭、羅馬尼亞和丹麥公司租賃飛機。
本月更多的製裁將使白俄羅斯受到資產凍結和旅行禁令的總人數達到近 200 人——包括盧卡申科和他的兒子——以及十多家機構和公司。
EU close to deal on new round of Belarus sanctions, diplomats say
EU states are also considering broadening economic sanctions on Belarus imposed in July by targeting the local reinsurance sector and its main company state-owned BelarusRe, diplomats said.
Published: NOVEMBER 9, 2021 21:25
Polish police and border guard block hundreds of migrants who try to cross from the Belarus side of the border with Poland near Kuznica Bialostocka, Poland, in this video-grab released by the Polish Interior Ministry, November 8, 2021.
The European Union is close to imposing more sanctions on Belarus, targeting some 30 individuals and entities including the foreign minister and Belarusian airline Belavia, with approval as early as next week, three EU diplomats said.
The EU and NATO accuse President Alexander Lukashenko of using migrants as a weapon to pressure the West by sending people fleeing the Middle East to Minsk and then onto the borders of Poland and the Baltic states.
The new round of sanctions is set to target Belarusian officials that the EU says have organized the migrant arrivals in revenge for sanctions on Minsk over human rights abuses.
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On Wednesday, in a crucial step, the EU's 27 ambassadors are set to formally agree that the swelling numbers of migrants along Belarus' border with Poland amount to "hybrid warfare" and can serve as a legal basis on which to build sanctions.
Minsk denies any such operations and rejects all Western accusations of wrongdoing. Sanctions on senior officials have so far not been effective in weakening the rule of Lukashenko, who has been in power since 1994 and is a close ally of Moscow.
Migrants gather near a barbed wire fence in an attempt to cross the border with Poland in the Grodno region, Belarus November 8, 2021. (credit: LEONID SCHEGLOV/BELTA/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS)
EU states are also considering broadening economic sanctions on Belarus imposed in July by targeting the local reinsurance sector and its main company state-owned BelarusRe, diplomats said.
The fifth package of asset freezes and travel bans on Belarusian state officials and businesses would be the EU's latest response to an worsening stand-off with Belarus over what the West and the Belarus opposition was a rigged presidential election in August 2020 by Lukashenko.
EU officials including European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen are calling for even tighter measures, including on international airlines accused of flying migrants into Minsk, who are then transported to the Belarusian border.
Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei, who defended Belarus' record at the United Nations General Assembly in September, is one senior official set to be sanctioned because his ministry is accused of handing out Belarusian visas to non-EU nationals, notably Syrians and Iraqis, diplomats said.
The EU has banned state-owned airline Belavia from EU airspace and EU airports after Minsk forced a Ryanair flight to land to arrest a Belarus opposition journalist. Now, direct sanctions on the airline would prevent it from being able to lease aircraft from Irish, Romanian and Danish companies.
However, there is debate in the EU over whether the sanctions should only apply to new leases or existing contracts.
More sanctions this month would take the total number of people under asset freezes and travel bans in Belarus to almost 200 people - including Lukashenko and his sons - as well as more than a dozen institutions and companies.

Donor funding to PA dropped 85% since 2008, World Bank says
Donor funding fell by 38% in the last year, after standing at $488 million in 2020. The Word Bank blamed the sharp decline in 2021 on the lack of donations from Arab countries in the Gulf.
Published: NOVEMBER 9, 2021 20:25

Updated: NOVEMBER 9, 2021 20:48
A Palestinian man works in a store selling clothes and footwear in Nablus in West Bank July 22, 2020.
Direct annual donor funding to the Palestinian Authority has dropped by a billion dollars over the last thirteen years, according to a World Bank report issued Tuesday that warned the PA faced a $1.36 billion deficit this year.
The PA’s financial situation “remains fragile due to high public spending and very low external financing,” the World Bank wrote in the document that was released in advance of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee meeting in Norway on November 17.
The group of 15 countries and international entities oversee donor funding for the Palestinians, including for humanitarian projects. It is also one of the few forums that bring Palestinians and Israelis together in direct dialogue.
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According to the World Bank, direct donor funding to the PA has dropped by 85% in the last 13 years, from $1.2b. in 2008 when it was at an all-time high, to $184 million this year – an all-time low.
Donor funding fell by 38% in the last year, after standing at $488m. in 2020. The World Bank blamed the sharp decline in 2021 on lack of donations from Arab countries in the Gulf, a delay in European Union financial support, and low contributions to the World Bank’s Multi Donor Trust Fund.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah (credit: MAJDI MOHAMMED/POOL VIA REUTERS)
The bank called on the international community to increase its financial support to the Palestinian Authority. It warned that continued lack of funds could impact the PA’s ability to combat COVID-19 and pay civil servant salaries.
“Lack of additional financing would force the PA to scale back on some of its medical and social expenditures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, exacerbating the health situation. It may also result in the PA reducing wage payments, as it has done in the past,” the World Bank explained.
The report also spoke of the harm caused to the PA deficit by Israel’s policy of financially penalizing the PA for providing monthly stipends to terrorists in Israeli jails and the families of Palestinians slain in executing terror attacks.
Israel withholds the sum of those terror stipends from tax fees it collects on behalf of the PA and transfers to its coffers.
The World Bank explained that Israel in 2021 had first withheld NIS 42 million monthly, then NIS 50m. and increased the sum to NIS 100m. in August to offset terror deductions that were not withheld in 2020.
In a turnaround move, however, Israel then transferred a loan of NIS 500m. to the PA, the World Bank explained.
It was a move that brought down the projected 2021 PA deficit from $1.69b. to 1.36b., the World Bank explained.
“Efforts by all parties are critical to avoid a crisis as without additional financing, the PA may encounter difficulties in meeting its recurrent commitments toward the end of the year,” the World Bank said.
The PA’s financial situation is more dire because it has reached the limit of what it can borrow, the World Bank said.
PA “borrowing exceeded $2b. in 2020, reaching $2.5b. as of August 2021,” the report explained.
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In addition, the World Bank said, Israeli banks have “signaled plans to limit or terminate correspondent banking services to Palestinian banks in recent years” due to fear of money laundering and terror financing.
The report also highlighted Palestinian and Israeli financial reforms that could increase revenues.
The PA should do more to encourage private sector development through regulatory improvement and land registration reform, the World Bank said.
“Limited land registration and unclear property rights, even within Palestinian controlled areas, are a major challenge for urban housing and business development,” the report stated.
Israel can help by easing restrictions on movement and access of goods and people, the World Bank said. It can address some of the “fiscal leakage” issues, such as electronically linking the Israeli and Palestinian VAT system and reducing the fees it charges the PA, the bank explained.
Israel should also transfer to the PA exit fees it collects at the Allenby Bridge into Jordan and taxes levied on Palestinian business in Area C of the West Bank, which it has withheld, the World Bank stated.
The bank painted a grim picture of job prospects in the Palestinian territories, noting that unemployment in the second quarter of 2021 was 16.9% in the West Bank and 44.7% in Gaza, with 59% of the Gaza population living below the poverty line.
Still it said, the Palestinian economy had begun to rebound from COVID-19 in the West Bank, with 6% projected growth.
It attributed this in part to increased work permits Israel had provided to Palestinians for jobs in the settlements or in sovereign Israel. Customs collected on raw tobacco and petroleum also had a positive impact on the economy.
“The current consumption-led growth in the West Bank reflects a rebound from a low base in 2020, exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis,” said Kanthan Shankar, World Bank country director for the West Bank and Gaza.
Shankar warned however that the PA economy lacks “growth drivers for sustained positive impacts on the economy and quality of life. The way ahead is still uncertain and depends on coordinated actions by all parties in revitalizing the economy and providing job opportunities for the young population.”

世界銀行表示,自 2008 年以來,對 PA 的捐助資金下降了 85%
捐助資金在 2020 年達到 4.88 億美元後,去年下降了 38%。世界銀行將 2021 年的急劇下降歸咎於海灣阿拉伯國家的捐款不足。
發佈時間: 2021 年 11 月 9 日 20:25

更新時間: 2021 年 11 月 9 日 20:48
2020 年 7 月 22 日,一名巴勒斯坦男子在西岸納布盧斯的一家賣衣服和鞋類的商店工作。
世界銀行週二發布的一份報告警告說,巴勒斯坦權力機構今年面臨 13.6 億美元的赤字,過去 13 年來,巴勒斯坦權力機構的年度直接捐助資金減少了 10 億美元。
世界銀行在 11 月 17 日在挪威召開的特設聯絡委員會會議之前發布的文件中寫道,巴勒斯坦權力機構的財務狀況“由於公共支出高企和外部融資極少而仍然脆弱”。
由 15 個國家和國際實體組成的小組負責監督為巴勒斯坦人提供的捐助資金,包括用於人道主義項目的資金。它也是將巴勒斯坦人和以色列人聚集在一起進行直接對話的少數論壇之一。
據世界銀行的數據,在過去 13 年中,對 PA 的直接捐助資金從 $1.2b 下降了 85%。2008 年創下歷史新高,今年達到 1.84 億美元——創歷史新低。
去年,捐贈資金在 4.88 億美元之後下降了 38%。2020 年,世界銀行將 2021 年的急劇下降歸咎於海灣阿拉伯國家的捐款不足、歐盟財政支持的延遲以及對世界銀行多方捐助者信託基金的捐款較低。
美國國務卿安東尼·布林肯在拉馬拉會見巴勒斯坦民族權力機構主席馬哈茂德·阿巴斯(圖片來源:MAJDI MOHAMMED/POOL VIA REUTERS)
該銀行呼籲國際社會增加對巴勒斯坦權力機構的財政支持。它警告說,持續缺乏資金可能會影響巴勒斯坦權力機構抗擊 COVID-19 和支付公務員工資的能力。
“缺乏額外資金將迫使巴勒斯坦權力機構縮減其部分醫療和社會支出以應對 COVID-19 大流行,從而加劇健康狀況。它還可能導致巴勒斯坦權力機構像過去那樣減少工資支付,”世界銀行解釋說。
世界銀行解釋說,以色列在 2021 年首先每月扣留 4200 萬新謝克爾,然後是 5000 萬新謝克爾。並將總和增加到 NIS 100m。8 月,以抵消 2020 年未扣留的恐怖活動扣除額。
然而,為了扭轉局面,以色列隨後轉移了一筆 5 億新謝克爾的貸款。世界銀行向巴勒斯坦權力機構解釋說。
這一舉措使預計的 2021 年 PA 赤字從 $1.69b 降低。到 1.36b.,世界銀行解釋說。
PA“借款超過$ 2b。在 2020 年,達到 $2.5b。截至 2021 年 8 月,”報告解釋說。
世界銀行表示,以色列可以通過放寬對貨物和人員流動和准入的限制來提供幫助。該銀行解釋說,它可以解決一些“財政流失”問題,例如以電子方式將以色列和巴勒斯坦增值稅系統連接起來,並降低向 PA 收取的費用。
世界銀行表示,以色列還應將其在艾倫比大橋收取到約旦的退出費和對約旦河西岸 C 區的巴勒斯坦企業徵收的稅款轉移給巴勒斯坦權力機構。
該銀行描繪了巴勒斯坦領土的就業前景黯淡,並指出 2021 年第二季度西岸的失業率為 16.9%,加沙的失業率為 44.7%,加沙有 59% 的人口生活在貧困線以下。
儘管如此,巴勒斯坦經濟已開始從西岸的 COVID-19 中反彈,預計增長 6%。
“西岸目前由消費帶動的增長反映了從 2020 年的低基數反彈,而 COVID-19 危機加劇了這一趨勢,”世界銀行西岸和加沙國家主任坎桑·尚卡爾說。
發佈時間: 2021 年 11 月 9 日 21:34

更新時間: 2021 年 11 月 9 日 22:08
敘利亞總統巴沙爾·阿薩德在 2020 年 8 月 12 日由 SANA 發布的這份講義中向敘利亞大馬士革的新議會成員發表講話
(圖片來源:SANA/Handout via REUTERS)
自內戰爆發以來,阿聯酋外交部長謝赫·阿卜杜拉·本·扎耶德是 10 年來訪問敘利亞的最高級政要,在這場內戰中,幾個阿拉伯國家主要支持遜尼派穆斯林叛亂分子反對阿薩德。
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阿聯酋國家通訊社 WAM 說,謝赫·阿卜杜拉在與阿薩德的會晤中強調了“阿聯酋對敘利亞安全、穩定和統一的熱情”。
2021 年 5 月 26 日,在反對派控制的敘利亞伊德利卜,人們參加了反對敘利亞總統巴沙爾·阿薩德和總統選舉的示威活動。(圖片來源:KHALIL ASHAWI / REUTERS)
他還強調,“阿聯酋支持為結束敘利亞危機、鞏固國家穩定和滿足兄弟般的敘利亞人民的願望所做的一切努力,”WAM 報導。
由阿薩德盟友黎巴嫩真主黨經營的黎巴嫩 al-Manar 電視台的一名記者說,在從大馬士革機場到該市的道路上已經觀察到嚴密的安全措施。
上個月,約旦國王阿卜杜拉十年來首次與阿薩德交談,兩國之間的邊界重新開放進行貿易。埃及外交部長還在 9 月會見了他的敘利亞外長,這是自內戰開始以來兩國之間最高級別的接觸。
蘭迪斯說:“阿聯酋和埃及長期以來都認為,大馬士革政府可以阻止伊斯蘭組織在該地區的蔓延。” 他補充說,一旦敘利亞重新加入阿拉伯聯盟,預計將有投資,儘管私營公司會等著看美國將如何首先做出反應。
UAE foreign minister meets Assad, most senior Emirati visit to Syria since war began
The participants discussed exploring "new horizons for this cooperation, especially in vital sectors in order to strengthen investment partnerships in these sectors”, the statement said.
Published: NOVEMBER 9, 2021 21:34

Updated: NOVEMBER 9, 2021 22:08
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad addresses the new members of parliament in Damascus, Syria in this handout released by SANA on August 12, 2020
The United Arab Emirates foreign minister met President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus on Tuesday, a sign of improving ties between Assad and a US-allied Arab state that once supported rebels trying to overthrow him.
Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed is the most senior Emirati dignitary to visit Syria in the decade since the eruption of a civil war in which several Arab states backed mainly Sunni Muslim insurgents against Assad.
The foreign minister led a delegation of senior Emirati officials that discussed bilateral relations and cooperation in a meeting with Syrian counterparts, a statement by the Syrian presidency said.
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The participants discussed exploring "new horizons for this cooperation, especially in vital sectors in order to strengthen investment partnerships in these sectors”, the statement said.
Sheik Abdullah underlined in his meeting with Assad "UAE's keenness on the security, stability and unity of Syria," UAE's state news agency WAM said.
People take part in a demonstration against Syria's President Bashar al-Assad and presidential elections, in the opposition-held Idlib, Syria May 26, 2021. (credit: KHALIL ASHAWI / REUTERS)
He also stressed the "UAE's support for all efforts made to end the Syrian crisis, consolidate stability in the country, and meet the aspirations of the brotherly Syrian people," WAM reported.
UAE senior official Anwar Gargash, diplomatic adviser to the Emirates president, wrote on Twitter that "the UAE continues to build bridges, boost relationships, and connect what was cut off… and will be keen to spare the region further congestion and continuous conflicts."
A correspondent for Lebanon's al-Manar TV, which is run by Lebanon's Hezbollah, an Assad ally, said heavy security had been observed on the road from Damascus airport to the city.

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The United States is concerned by the meeting between the Emerati foreign minister and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, State Department spokesperson Ned Price said, urging states in the region to carefully consider "atrocities" perpetrated by Assad.
The meeting was a sign of improving ties between Assad and a US-allied Arab state that once supported rebels trying to overthrow him.
"We are concerned by reports of this meeting and the signal it sends," Price said at a regular press briefing. "As we've said before, this administration will not express any support for efforts to normalize or to rehabilitate Bashar al-Assad who is a brutal dictator."
The UAE has been at the forefront of efforts by some Arab states to normalize ties with Damascus, and earlier this year called for Syria to be readmitted to the Arab League. It reopened its embassy in Damascus three years ago.
Jordan and Egypt, both US allies, have also taken steps toward normalizing relations since Assad, with Russian and Iranian help, defeated rebels across much of Syria, apart from some northern and eastern areas that remain outside his grasp.
The United States has said it does not support efforts to normalize ties with Assad or rehabilitate him until progress is made towards a political solution to the conflict.
Washington has also said it will not lift sanctions, including measures that can freeze the assets of anyone dealing with Syria, regardless of nationality.

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The UAE may have asked Damascus not to trumpet the visit due to sensitivities in its ties to the United States, said Joshua Landis, a Syria specialist at the University of Oklahoma. "No one wants to get their head too far over the parapet," he said.
Last month, King Abdullah of Jordan spoke to Assad for the first time in a decade, and the border between the countries was reopened for trade. The Egyptian foreign minister also met his Syrian counterpart in September, the highest level contact between the countries since the civil war began.
"Both the UAE and Egypt have long believed that the Damascus government serves as a break on the spread of Islamist groups in the region," Landis said. Investment is expected once Syria is readmitted to the Arab League, he added, though private firms would wait to see how the United States would respond first.
發佈時間: 2021 年 11 月 9 日 14:30

更新時間: 2021 年 11 月 9 日 17:05
IAI 航天部總經理 Shlomi Sudri 在迪拜國際宇航大會後告訴耶路撒冷郵報,以色列和阿聯酋軍隊有可能在太空合作。

以色列和阿聯酋都對伊朗在該地區日益增長的敵意保持警惕,以色列軍方一直通過其衛星軍隊密切關注伊斯蘭共和國,最新的衛星——IAI 的 Ofek 16——已於去年 7 月發射.
IAI 是以色列領先的公司,從事用於包括國防在內的各種用途的最先進的空間和衛星技術。
IAI 通信衛星(來源:IAI)

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以色列和阿聯酋是擁有衛星發射能力的 13 個國家中的兩個,與以色列空軍一樣,衛星產業是這個猶太國家戰略軍事能力的關鍵組成部分。他們是真正的空中之眼,24/7 全天候密切關注以色列的敵人。
該國的衛星計劃自 1988 年以來一直處於活躍狀態,雖然在軌衛星的確切數量仍處於保密狀態,但據報導它們的數量為兩位數。
雖然大多數衛星在退役前的運行壽命為幾年,但 IAI 建造的衛星,例如 2002 年發射的 Ofek 5,其運行時間比設計規範所規定的要長得多。
“我們的傳統服務和穩健性證明我們的衛星比其他衛星的使用壽命更長,”Sudri 說。
一年一度的國際峰會於 10 月 25 日至 29 日在迪拜舉行,約有 6,000 人參加了全球航天部門會議,討論該行業的最新發展。IAI 帶領以色列參加了會議並展示了它的幾顆衛星。
該公司還展示了 Beresheet 2,它是 2019 年在月球表面墜毀的月球著陸器的前身。 Sudri 表示,該公司正在尋求國際合作進行第二次嘗試,這將使軌道器攜帶兩個著陸器,這些著陸器將降落在月球表面的兩側。月球與軌道器留在軌道上為教育目的拍照。

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阿聯酋國家太空計劃的目標是在今年某個時候到達火星,並在 2117 年之前在這顆紅色星球上建立第一個定居點。
Sudri 將阿聯酋稱為“初創酋長國”,這是對以色列初創國家的一種演繹,他說阿聯酋“在高科技和航天工業方面展示了大量創新。他們參與有趣的任務,比如去火星。他們不僅專注於在太空開展業務,而且在太空中尋求創新。”
Potential for Middle East space force collaboration with Israel and UAE
Both Israel and the UAE are wary of Iran’s hostility, and the IDF has been keeping a close eye on the Islamic Republic by its army of satellites.
Published: NOVEMBER 9, 2021 14:30

Updated: NOVEMBER 9, 2021 17:05
IAI mini communication satellite
(photo credit: IAI)
There is potential for the Israeli and Emirati militaries to cooperate in space, Shlomi Sudri, general manager of IAI’s Space Division told The Jerusalem Post following the International Astronautical Congress in Dubai.
“Overall we are living in a relatively similar attitude line in the globe, and there are a lot of things in the neighborhood that are of interest to both countries, so there is a possibility,” Sudri said of potential military cooperation in space.
“It may be possible to cooperate with the UAE’s military.”
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Both Israel and the UAE are wary of Iran’s growing hostility in the region, and Israel’s military has been keeping a close eye on the Islamic Republic through its army of satellites, the latest one – IAI’s Ofek 16 – having been launched in July of last year.
IAI is the leading Israeli company that deals with state-of-the-art space and satellite technology used for various purposes including defense.
IAI communication satellites (credit: IAI)
“We have a lot in common with the United Arab Emirates, both relatively small countries that are in an interesting neighborhood,” he said.
But the electro-optical reconnaissance satellites with advanced capabilities are also a feat of engineering that would be a gem of intelligence should it be obtained by enemy countries like Iran, and a disaster for Israel.
“Of course, all of our satellites are protected as necessary,” Sudri said, explaining that the company follows all government regulations regarding defense exports.

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Israel and the UAE are two of 13 countries with satellite-launching capabilities, and like the Israel Air Force, the satellite industry is a key component of the Jewish state’s strategic military capabilities. They are the real eye-in-the-sky, keeping a close eye on Israel’s enemies 24/7 from afar.
The country’s satellite program has been active since 1988, and while the exact number of satellites in orbit remains classified, they are reported to number in double digits.
While most satellites have an operational lifetime of several years before they go out of service, satellites built by IAI, such as the Ofek 5 that was launched in 2002, continues to operate far longer than the design specifications said it would.
“Our heritage service and the robustness proves that our satellites last longer than others,” Sudri said.
The annual international summit held October 25-29 in Dubai saw the participation of approximately 6,000 individuals in the global space sector meeting to discuss the latest developments in the industry. IAI led Israel’s participation in the conference and presented several of its satellites.
“The Abraham agreements opened up the interesting potential for partnership and cooperation. The approach and status of Israel and the UAE in economic/academic/space are opening up new doors for both countries. The Dubai air show and conference was a great start for this.”
The company also showcased the Beresheet 2, the predecessor to the lunar lander that crashed on the Moon’s surface in 2019. Sudri said the company is seeking international cooperation for the second attempt that will see the orbiter carry two landers that will land on two sides of the Moon with the orbiter remaining in orbit taking pictures for educational purposes.

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“This enables us to have international partners to design the landers and the UAE is the leading candidate,” he said. “There is the potential for a joint Israeli-UAE mission to the Moon.”
The UAE’s National Space Program aims to reach Mars sometime this year and build the first settlement on the Red Planet by 2117.
Referring to the UAE as the “Start-Up Emirates,” a play on Israel’s Start-Up Nation, Sudri said the UAE “demonstrates a lot of innovation in hi-tech and the space industry. They participate in interesting missions like going to Mars. They don’t only focus on doing business in space but seeking innovation in it.”

Belarus is using refugees for politics. Turkey did the same thing - analysis
Where are the Western asylum-seeking policies set up to help genocide survivors? For Yazidis who suffered genocide in 2014, there is no end in sight, whether in Belarus or elsewhere.
Published: NOVEMBER 8, 2021 22:22
Migrants gather near a barbed wire fence in an attempt to cross the border with Poland in the Grodno region, Belarus November 8, 2021.
Yazidi and Kurdish refugees, many of whom are fleeing ethnic cleansing and genocide in Syria and Iraq, are among the thousands of people being used in a political game along the Belarus-Polish border this week.
While some outlets have been reporting for weeks about the refugees from Syria and Iraq and other countries who have ended up in Belarus and other eastern European countries, some of them dying in the cold, the crisis has now burst onto the international stage.
Belarus appears to be using a tactic perfected by Turkey back in 2020. It was also perfected by European countries in 2015. The tactic is to push migrants and refugees into neighboring countries, or at the very least create a situation in which they are stuck at the border.
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In this case, it may not be entirely the fault of Belarus, as the migrants and refugees have become a huge issue for countries all across the continent, most of which pass the buck to the next state by doing precisely what Belarus is doing.
The differences between policies of European countries, as well as Turkey and Belarus, can appear stark, but they may not be as stark as the media might portray them.
Coffins with remains of people from the Yazidi minoirty, who were killed by Islamic State militants, and they were exhumed from a mass grave, are seen during the funeral in Kojo, Iraq February 6, 2021.Picture taken February 6, 2021. (credit: REUTERS/CHARLOTTE BRUNEAU)
I spent time crossing the borders of Greece, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Hungary in 2015 with the hundreds of thousands of refugees who were amassed there in the Fall of 2015. In those days, Germany had invited refugees to come to Europe and Turkey enabled Syrians and Afghans to move to Greece. Greece in turn would move the people, sometimes by ferry or by other methods, to the border with North Macedonia.
I watched as people in cars crossed into North Macedonia, while refugees were gathered together in a field and local authorities lined them up in groups of 20 to 40 people and moved them to a bridge. On the other side, in North Macedonia, the authorities would stop the people and let some board buses to Serbia. Then, from Serbia, they crossed to the Hungarian border until Hungary closed it.
This is a tragic game that plays out between states but mostly harms refugees. Small countries like Greece or Serbia cannot take in a million Afghans and Syrians. There is also no reason that countries in Europe necessarily have to take in all these people. However, the fact remains that millions are on the move and no one has quite figured out what to do with them.

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Turkey currently has millions of Syrians and claims it does so as a benevolent helper. Yet Turkey has used the refugees under its care as a weapon. In March 2020, it used refugees against Greece, claiming that it had “opened the gates” to Europe in doing so. Turkey has periodically threatened to send millions of Syrians to Europe unless the EU or NATO supports its policies in Syria. Those policies include the ethnic cleansing of Kurds, Yazidis and Christians, the very people who then become refugees. In fact, Turkey had backed extremist Syrian rebel groups in 2018, paying them to ethnically cleanse Kurds from Afrin.
Some of the Syrians who were displaced in Syria, either by Turkey or by the Assad regime, along with refugees from Iraq, have ended up in Belarus. Various accounts of how they got there differ, but the reality is that the refugees are there and Belarus isn’t interested in hosting such large numbers of civilians. Belarus, an authoritarian state with low socioeconomic status, has no experience with large numbers of minorities from the Middle East. Additionally, none of the bordering countries - Lithuania and Russia - seem to want the migrants.
The policies being put in place may be based on a mix of the cynical use of refugees and migrants as well as racism. What is important is that this is a new frontline crisis now on the European continent and is recalling past experiences, like the ones in 2015 and in 2020 when refugees were used and the crisis grew.
The experience of 2015 likely helped fuel Brexit as well. In addition, it led to terror attacks of unprecedented mass killings in France thanks to France's "open gate" policy. In some cases, the terrorists were not actually from Syria or Iraq, but rather from where ISIS members who had actually journeyed from Europe to the Middle East and returned.
Either way, the huge masses of people moving to Europe were never properly accurately counted. I witnessed tens of thousands of people moving across borders with not a single border check, no attempt to fingerprint or take photos for facial recognition, or any effort to get the people to even sign their names when entering a state.
It was total chaos in 2015 and it is total chaos today. Why?
Because even though Europe has organizations like the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, it never bothered to streamline a process of immigration and identification. Despite having the most advanced software and artificial intelligence systems available - some of which have been used during the pandemic - the theory is that when it comes to migrants and refugees, people will be treated as they were back in 1911 or 1946.

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There’s almost no difference to the chaos of Europe’s inability to deal with refugees today as it was in 1946, and it might be argued that actually in the 1940s and 1950s, in the aftermath of the Second World War and Holocaust, that European countries were more organized in resettling and dealing with major movements of people.
The tragedy unfolding today along the borders of Belarus and the media’s attempt to cast blame on one or another state fails to capture the realities of 2015 and 2020 when little was done to learn the lessons of what Turkey and other countries did in those years.
Since then, EU countries have often paid Ankara to keep migrants from traveling to Europe. That is clearly a short-term solution and has had the effect of outsourcing abuses to Turkey, sometimes even Libya. For instance, Turkey is now building a border wall along Iran’s border to block Afghan migrants and it has built a wall along the border with Syria. Now, more fences and walls are going up in Europe between Belarus and Poland.
Poland is in the unenviable position of dealing with the migrant crisis now. Belarus may be cynically exploiting it, but the overall context is that there are refugees and migrants in Belarus who don’t want to be stuck there. Where are the Western asylum-seeking policies set up to help genocide survivors? Where were they when genocide was enacted against the Yazidis and the Kurds in Afrin?
All across Europe, various museums relating to the Holocaust lead many people to say “never again,” but when it comes to actual genocide survivors, little is actually different than when IDPs fled the camps in 1945. By the 1950s most of those IDPs were resettled. For Yazidis who suffered genocide in 2014, there is no end in sight, whether in Belarus or elsewhere.

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為幫助種族滅絕倖存者而製定的西方尋求庇護政策在哪裡?對於 2014 年遭受種族滅絕的雅茲迪人來說,無論是在白俄羅斯還是其他地方,都看不到盡頭。
發佈時間: 2021 年 11 月 8 日 22:22
2021 年 11 月 8 日,移民聚集在帶刺鐵絲網附近,試圖越過白俄羅斯格羅德諾地區與波蘭的邊界。
(圖片來源:LEONID SCHEGLOV/BELTA/通過路透社提供的資料)
雅茲迪和庫爾德難民,其中許多人正在逃離敘利亞和伊拉克的種族清洗和種族滅絕,是本週在白俄羅斯 - 波蘭邊境進行政治遊戲的數千人之一。
白俄羅斯似乎在使用土耳其在 2020 年完善的策略。它也在 2015 年被歐洲國家完善。該策略是將移民和難民推入鄰國,或者至少創造一種他們被困在邊界。
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2021 年 2 月 6 日在伊拉克 Kojo 舉行的葬禮上,可以看到被伊斯蘭國激進分子殺害並從亂葬坑中挖掘出來的雅茲迪少數民族遺骸的棺材。圖片拍攝於 2021 年 2 月 6 日。(圖片來源) :路透社/夏洛特布魯諾)
2015 年,我和 2015 年秋季聚集在那裡的數十萬難民一起穿越希臘、北馬其頓、塞爾維亞和匈牙利的邊界。那時,德國邀請難民來到歐洲,土耳其啟用敘利亞人和阿富汗人移居希臘。希臘反過來將人們轉移到與北馬其頓接壤的邊界,有時通過渡輪或其他方式。
我看到人們乘汽車進入北馬其頓,而難民則聚集在田野裡,地方當局將他們分成 20 至 40 人一組,將他們轉移到一座橋上。另一方面,在北馬其頓,當局會阻止人們,讓一些人登上前往塞爾維亞的巴士。然後,他們從塞爾維亞越過匈牙利邊境,直到匈牙利將其關閉。

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土耳其目前有數百萬敘利亞人,並聲稱它是一個仁慈的幫手。然而,土耳其將其照顧下的難民用作武器。2020 年 3 月,它利用難民反對希臘,聲稱這樣做已經“打開了歐洲的大門”。土耳其定期威脅要將數百萬敘利亞人送往歐洲,除非歐盟或北約支持其在敘利亞的政策。這些政策包括對庫爾德人、雅茲迪人和基督徒進行種族清洗,這些人正是後來成為難民的人。事實上,土耳其在 2018 年支持極端主義的敘利亞反叛組織,付錢讓他們對阿夫林的庫爾德人進行種族清洗。
正在實施的政策可能基於對難民和移民的憤世嫉俗以及種族主義的混合。重要的是,這是歐洲大陸目前的新前線危機,正在回顧過去的經歷,例如 2015 年和 2020 年使用難民和危機加劇的經歷。
2015 年的經歷也可能有助於推動英國退歐。此外,由於法國的“開門”政策,它在法國引發了前所未有的大規模屠殺的恐怖襲擊。在某些情況下,恐怖分子實際上並非來自敘利亞或伊拉克,而是來自實際上從歐洲前往中東並返回的 ISIS 成員。
2015 年是一片混亂,今天也是一片混亂。為什麼?
因為即使歐洲有像歐洲邊境和海岸警衛隊這樣的組織,它也從來沒有費心去簡化移民和身份證明的過程。儘管擁有最先進的軟件和人工智能係統——其中一些已在大流行期間使用過——但理論是,當涉及到移民和難民時,人們將受到與 1911 年或 1946 年一樣的待遇。

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與 1946 年歐洲無法處理難民的混亂局面幾乎沒有什麼不同,可以說實際上在 1940 年代和 1950 年代,在第二次世界大戰和大屠殺之後,歐洲國家更多組織安置和處理重大人員流動。