Ep193|Kids News #24 兒童雙語新聞:南韓六小時戒嚴事件-什麼是民主?6 Hours of Martial Law in South Korea (ft.Eno)

2025-01-24·19 分鐘



On December 3rd, President Yoon Seok youl, the president of South Korea suddenly declared martial law on a late-night TV broadcast. The military quickly took charge.
“I can’t believe this!”
Many South Koreans were surprised. They didn’t like martial law in their democratic country.
“It’s scary when things change suddenly!”
“It is. But don’t worry, it’s over now.”
“What happened to martial law?”
Angry people protested. They quickly asked the leaders in charge to stop it. After just six hours, the martial law was canceled.

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