【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I am interested in switching fields. (面試時)我對於"轉換跑道"很有興趣!

2023-04-10·10 分鐘


W: Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to this interview.
M: You are welcome. Please have a seat. Can you briefly talk about your former working experiences?
W: I was working at the Giant Enterprise as a secretary after college graduation.
M: I am curious about why you left your former position.
W: Well, I am interested in switching fields. The job I had was not challenging enough for me.
M: Ok, now I see your points.

1. opportunity [͵ɑpɚˋtjunәtɪ] (n.) 機會
2. former [ˋfɔrmɚ] (adj.) 前任的;從前的
3. experience [ɪkˋspɪrɪәns] (n.) 經驗
4. secretary [ˋsɛkrә͵tɛrɪ] (n.) 秘書
5. curious [ˋkjʊrɪәs] (adj.) 好奇的
6. switch [swɪtʃ] (v.) 轉換;改變
7. field [fild] (n.) 領域

👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS I am interested in... 《Note》 I am interest in taking pictures. (我對攝影有興趣。)後面可以加領域或是興趣,若是動詞的話 要用現在進行式。 《Examples》 I am interested in planting flowers. I am interested in learning English.
A: What are you interested in?

B: _________.(答案在下方唷)

💯《Answer Key》: I am interested in learning English

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