【一天10分鐘 英語詞彙通】Occupation/職業(II) 法官、記者、經理這些名稱怎麼說呢?

2022-06-20·10 分鐘


👉🏻0:50 WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語
1.hunter [ˋhʌntɚ] [名] 獵人
2.journalist [ˋdʒɝnəlɪst] [名] 新聞工作者
3.judge [dʒʌdʒ] [名] 法官 [動] 判斷;審判
4.magician [məˋdʒɪʃən] [名] 魔術師
5.manager [ˋmænɪdʒɚ] [名] 經理
6.mechanic [məˋkænɪk] [名] 技工
7.model [ˋmɑd!] [名] 模型;模特兒
8.musician [mjuˋzɪʃən] [名] 音樂家
9.owner [ˋonɚ] [名] 物主
10.painter [ˋpentɚ] [名] 油漆匠;畫家
👉🏻3:00 LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點
judge 相關用法:
1. (n.) 法官 □例 : The judge looks serious.
2. (v.) 評斷 □例 : You can't judge a book only by its cover.

👉🏻5:00 EXERCISE實戰演練
1. The _____ shot the beast and dragged its body home. (A) hunter (B) model (C) painter (D) journalist
2. He made a clay _____ of the Great Wall.
3. Beethoven and Mozart, are _____.
4. The witness and the prisoner were taken before the _____.
👉🏻8:00 CONVERSATION實用對話:
Some journalists are really annoying. I don’t like them. B: I don’t like journalists, either. Some of their questions are really stupid.

💯《Answer Key》: 1. A 2. model 3. musicians 4. judge
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