The Crown - Netflix's royal drama featuring Diana's ghost splits critics

2023-11-17·8 秒


The first four episodes of the final series of Netflix's The Crown have split critics, but many have given it the thumbs down.

Season six of the royal drama depicts the events of the late 1990s, including Princess Diana's death.

It also covers the aftermath of her death in which 'ghost Diana' appears to Prince Charles and the Queen.

In a one-star review, the Guardian said the "Diana-obsessed series is the very definition of bad writing".

"Beyond all its formal failures, late-period Crown is also impossibly hamstrung by being set well within living memory. Even if there were anything to engage with, the memories and consequent questions that crowd into the viewer's mind at every stage would make it impossible," wrote Lucy Mangan.

"It started teetering in season three, lost its balance entirely over the next two and is now plummeting into the abyss."

She added that this was "despite the uniformly brilliant performances from the entire cast".

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