Ep. 52 Convo with Veteran Journalist Edward Choi (蔡仔) on IN BROAD DAYLIGHT (白日之下)

2023-12-15·51 分鐘


🕵️ 🔎 👁️‍🗨️為了希望更多人了解《白日之下》這部電影的幕後故事,「銀幕·香港」很開心邀請了前資深記者,也就是揭發《白日之下》幾組故事的偵查組組長蔡傳威先生(人稱蔡仔),跟我們錄製了這一集podcast。 蔡仔除了解釋當天偵查新聞背後的故事外,還分享了對電影的看法。

🖊️🖊️🖊️ 延伸閱讀:
🔴 我們的偵查時代:曾揭發《白日之下》老人院露天沖涼事件 「爆料」以外 前資深偵查記者着眼深化議題:Newsroom的人相信記者支筆可影響世界

🕵️ 🔎 👁️‍🗨️ To help more people understand the behind-the-scenes story of the film IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, HKOS is delighted to invite the veteran journalist Mr. Edward Choi, who was the head of the investigative team that uncovered several stories related to IN BROAD DAYLIGHT to record this podcast episode with us. Besides explaining the stories behind the investigative news that day, Mr. Choi shares his perspectives on the film.


The Hong Kong On Screen Podcast is a podcast about Hong Kong Cinema. The HKOS Podcast is hosted by Hong Kongers. You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also email us at info@hkonscreen.org.

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