【Tired】| Music | Praise the Lord 2023 | Back To The Music | 432Hz

2023-12-24·4 分鐘


🎵Song Lyrics🎵

How come I’m feeling so unworthy

How come I failed my friends and family

Feels like there’s lead on my feet, every step so heavy, every breath so guilty
雙腳像灌滿了鉛 步履沉重 每口呼吸都帶著愧疚

I’ve become so very tired, but there’s not a place I can rest awhile
我已極度疲憊 卻無處稍歇

No slowing down this train, full steam ahead
這列火車毫不減速 全速疾行

Trudging on mile after mile, so very tired
長途跋涉 一里又一里 極盡疲累

Tired of the unknown

Always in the dark, hands behind my back, a scarring, painful clash of styles
常在黑暗中 如雙手被反綁 風格激烈衝突苦不堪言

Every moment getting harder to reconcile with those I love
要與所愛之人調和 越發艱難

I’m losing my smile

Reach out, but it keeps getting farther
伸手 卻觸不可及

I try, but life keeps hitting back harder
反抗 命運卻猛烈反擊

My heart is crushed underneath, trillions of boulders, world upon my shoulders
心如被巨石碾壓 肩扛世界之重

I have grown so very tired, and I’ve yet to find me a place that I’ll be comfortable and slowly catch my breath
我已筋疲力盡 卻找不到舒適處喘息

Am I lost or in denial?

So very tired, tired of bein’ slow
太累了 我厭倦了遲緩

Never first to hope, always last to love, relying on my wit and guile, to reject the things that just are not my style
從不優先寄希望 最後才懂得去愛 依靠聰明與詭詐 拒絕風格不合的事物

I’ve gotta change, make sure that I smile
我必須改變 確保我在笑

Doesn’t matter if I’m tired

I shall find my place in this turning wheel
我會在這巨輪中 找到自己的位置

’Cause life’s much more than doin’ things my style
因生命的意義 不在於追求個人風格

It’s about the extra mile

I may be tired, but I won’t just let go
或許我累了 但我絕不會放手

I refuse to let evil thoughts defile

My passion and my purity

Dive headfirst into God’s challenges and trials
我要全情投入 主的挑戰與考驗

I’ll change it up, adopting His style
我會改變 採納祂的風格

I won’t give up; remember to smile
我絕不會放棄 記得要保持微笑


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the song 🤗
Attached below is the Chinese version of the song if you’re interested
https://www.zionnewsong.com/song/1807.... 角色 (鋼琴版)

And here is the Chinese music video of the song
   • 【Zion MV】《角色》|ZNS 1807|基督教MV|敬拜讚美|錫安新...  

Glad you enjoyed it. 😍✋✨


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Copyright Information:
The music in the film come from https://www.zionnewsong.com/index.php

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