【一天10分鐘 英語詞彙通】ConversationⅡ/「both…and…」、「 either…or…」、「neither…nor… 」霧煞傻搞不清?(往下拉有答案喔!)

2022-08-15·10 分鐘


👉🏻0:50 WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語 and [ænd] [連] 和 as [æz] [連] 依照;當...時 because [bɪˋkɔz] [連] 因為 but [bʌt] [連] 但是 either [ˋiðɚ] [連] 或者(和 or 連用) [代] (兩者)任一個 for [fɔr] [連] 因為,由於 [介] 為了 however [(h)aʊˋɛvɚ] [副] 然而;不過 if [ɪf] [連] 如果 neither [ˋniðɚ] [連] 也不 [代] (兩者) 皆不 nor [nɔr] [連] 亦不 👉🏻3:00 LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點
1. both…and… 兩者都
例 : He likes both Ceria and Julia.

2. either…or… 不是…就是…
例 : Patricia is either drunk or mad.

3. neither…nor… 兩者都不
例 : Neither Brian nor Kyle is gay.

👉🏻5:00 EXERCISE實戰演練
1. She can speak both Chinese _____ English. (A) but (B) with (C) about (D) and
2. I want to buy a new cell phone, _____ I don’t have enough money.
3. _____ you want to be a successful man, your have to make big efforts.
4. I love eating pizza _____ of the cheese on it.

A: Which one do you like? The red one or the blue one?
B: I don’t like the red one nor the blue one.
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💯《Answer Key》: 1. D 2. but 3. If 4. because 

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