EP 7 - 撩你聽音樂 (後篇)Lets listen to chart-toppers! (Part 2)

2021-08-19·32 分鐘


繼上一集推薦了2首歌曲後,這集還會推薦多2首目前在泰國Spotify Top 50 排行榜上居位的歌曲!小編們也會透露聽泰國歌曲的契機!到底是怎樣魔性般的吸引,才會讓我們越聊越開心,越撩越精彩!

P.S. 喜歡我們的Podcast也能在IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) 關注我們!
Continuing from where we left off from the previous episode, here's two more song recommendations from us based on the current chart-toppers on Spotify Top 50 from Thailand! Join us once again as we delve into the attraction of T-Pop and shed some insight on the current Thai Pop scene!

P.S. Find us at our IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) to get latest updates in the Thai entertainment scene!


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