*第七季*【EP. 543 with Leon】#1129 經濟學人導讀 / 國際時事 / 英文學習【拜登下賀錦麗上;歐盟與法治;南亞孟加拉;中國共產黨的三中全會;非洲烏干達】

2024-07-31·37 分鐘


*第七季*【EP. 543 with Leon】#1129 經濟學人導讀 / 國際時事 / 英文學習【拜登下賀錦麗上;歐盟與法治;南亞孟加拉;中國共產黨的三中全會;非洲烏干達】


📢📢July 27TH 2024 - August 2ND 2024
2024年7月27日 - 2024年8月2日

🌏The world this week: politics

1️⃣Joe Biden withdrew from the presidential race. His resignation came after several prominent figures called on him to step aside. He endorsed Vice-President Kamala Harris to succeed him. In an Oval Office address on Wednesday the president said there is “a time and a place” for “new” and “younger voices”.

美國總統拜登 (Joe Biden) 退出了 (2024年) 美國總統大選,而此前多位名流呼籲其退選。拜登表示支持副總統賀錦麗 (Kamala Harris) 接任競選。拜登總統在週三 (2024年7月24日) 的橢圓形辦公室 (Oval Office,即美國總統辦公室) 演講中表示現在是「新」及「年輕聲音」展現「時間及舞台」的時候了。

2️⃣In the EU’s annual rule-of-law report on its members, Italy’s right-wing government was chastised for interfering in news reporting at RAI, the state broadcaster. Bulgaria, Hungary, and Malta were among those criticised for failing to prosecute corruption.

在歐盟 (EU) 的年度會員國們之法治報告中,義大利右翼政府因干涉國營電視台 (RAI) 的新聞報導而受到譴責。保加利亞、匈牙利和馬爾他等國則因未能起訴貪腐行徑而遭受批評。

3️⃣Bangladesh scrapped most quotas on government jobs after almost 200 people were killed in clashes. The Supreme Court quashed the ruling that reserved nearly a third of state jobs for the families of veterans who fought for independence. The nationwide curfew has been partially relaxed.

孟加拉在造成近兩百人喪生的抗議活動後,大幅縮減了公務員配額。該國最高法院 (Supreme Court) 取消了一項將近三分之一公務員職位保留給為獨立建國而戰之退伍軍人家屬的制度。該國的宵禁已部分放寬。

4️⃣The Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party held its “third plenum”, a meeting seen as of unusual importance because it has led to radical economic policies. This one was long on promises of reform. The pension age (currently 60 for men) is to rise.

中國共產黨 (Chinese Communist Party) 中央委員會 (Central Committee) 召開了“第三次全體會議 (三中全會)”,而該次會議被視為具有非同尋常的重要性,因為它已招致了激進的經濟政策。這次會議充滿了改革的承諾,並延遲退休年齡 (目前男性為 60歲)。

5️⃣Uganda’s security forces have arrested dozens of people who joined peaceful anti-corruption protests in defiance of a ban. Yoweri Museveni, the president of Uganda since 1986, warned ahead of the march to parliament that demonstrators were “playing with fire”. Britain and America imposed sanctions earlier this year on several Ugandan officials, including the speaker of parliament, on allegations of corruption.

(非洲國家) 烏干達 (Uganda) 的維安部隊已逮捕數十名參加遭禁的和平反貪腐抗議活動之民眾。自 1986年以來持續執政的烏干達總統 Yoweri Museveni 在前往國會的遊行前警告:示威者們是在「玩火」。英國和美國今年早期對包括國會議長在內的多名烏干達官員們實施了制裁,並指控他/她們貪腐。

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💪Chester 總編輯 - 英文文法與寫作班,名額/時段有限,馬上來報名:https://shorturl.at/WBi6B
💪Chester 總編輯 - 商用英文班,名額/時段有限,馬上來報名:https://shorturl.at/r9RFG
💪Daniel 老師 - 國際現勢考科培養班,名額/時段有限,馬上來報名:https://shorturl.at/PCob4
💪Daniel 老師 - 經濟學人討論課 (中),名額/時段有限,馬上來報名:https://shorturl.at/CLzsU
💪Leon 老師 - 經濟學人討論課 (英),名額/時段有限,馬上來報名:https://shorturl.at/IMDmr

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