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本影片由中華民國文化部113年度網路影音內容台語主流化方案支持,致力於推廣台語文化與環保教育。📢 Support " Journey of PaLight":
This video is supported by the Ministry of Culture's National Language Program, promoting environmental education and Taiwanese language culture.
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🎧 Podcast https://open.firstory.me/user/ckwx77cts0iat0a28lzf59p92/episodes#google_vignette
🔗 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@aeet-8833
🌟琉光的旅程問卷 Survey of The Journey of PaLight: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdD8lWKBQ0M43O6F-qZjc-MGRWPd6rCIYnfVLCKVCOd1Vup7A/viewform
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PaLight is a golden jellyfish from Palau's Jellyfish Lake, and she has a unique talent that sets her apart from other jellyfish. Because of her special abilities and character, the government of Jellyfish Lake believes she is suited to become the lake's environmental ambassador, traveling to different places on behalf of Jellyfish Lake. Her first stop is Giant Clam City, where she learns about the operations of a marine protected area, which greatly benefits her understanding.
"The Journey of PaLight" is an original story written and illustrated by children's book author Ashley Chen. The Association of Educational Equity, Taiwan (AEET) supervises and distributes this film; all rights are reserved.
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