Ep. 25: Dora Choi (徐岱靈) on TO BE CONTINUED (尚未完場) [Cantonese]

2023-05-21·45 分鐘


This episode features a conversation between an HKOS member and the co-director of TO BE CONTINUED, who is also the Co-founder of 'Walk in Hong Kong", Dora Choi. They discuss the documentary's origins and her team’s discoveries on Harry Odell, the forgotten impresario of Hong Kong. Odell, a Shanghai-bred Russian Jew, left a significant impact on the cultural life of post-war Hong Kong. Dora believes that this movie is just the beginning of the writing of Hong Kong’s cultural history, and she encourages people from Hong Kong to continue the spirit of Odell, embarking on a soul-searching journey to define what truly makes Hong Kong unique.

Film Mentioned:To BE CONTINUED 尚未完場 (2022)From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China 從毛澤東到莫扎特 (1981)
You can also check the list on letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/hkonscreen/list/movies-mentioned-episode-25/


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