【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】Is there anything wrong? 老闆,有甚麼問題嗎? ((☉_☉))

2023-02-06·10 分鐘


W: George, I want to speak to you for a minute. 
M: Yes, Ms. Gray. Is there anything wrong? 
W: I’m afraid there is, George. It’s okay for you to take a break, but you’ve been away from 
your job for about 30 minutes. 
M: I’m sorry, Ms. Gray. I think I just forgot about the time. I’ll go back to work now. 
W: Be aware next time. 

1. minute [ˋmɪnɪt] (n.) 分鐘;一會兒
2. afraid [әˋfred] (adj.) 恐怕;害怕
3. take a break [tek ә brek] (phr.) 休息
4. away from [әˋwe frʌm] (phr.) 離開
5. forget [fɚˋgɛt] (v.) 忘記
6. aware [әˋwɛr] (adj.) 當心;注意

👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS Is there anything + Adj? 《Note》
Is there anything wrong? 此句中 wrong 原意是「錯誤」,用在此處句意為「有什麼事嗎?」
1. Is there anything special? 
2. Is there anything interesting? 

A: Do you want to come to the ball with us? 


💯《Answer Key》: Is there anything special
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標籤:英語學習, 語言學習, 國立教育廣播電臺, 教育電台, 齊斌, English Learning, 口說英語, 英語提升, 辦公英語通,詞彙英語通

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