[幼教老師玩外文童書]#4 Sharks: Oceans Alive

2022-03-06·3 分鐘



鯊魚! 這本書將介紹給孩子們鯊魚的特徵和捕獵方法。深海裡,有大鯊魚也有小鯊魚. 鯊魚擺動尾巴游泳,鯊魚的軟骨可以幫助它們游得很快。它們用鰓呼吸,背上有鯊魚鰭,有時候會露在水面上。有些鯊魚會用銳利的牙齒撕碎獵物哦!鯊魚被稱為自然界最兇猛的海洋捕食者。有鯊魚的地方,就潛伏著危險,只要看到它們,記得躲得遠遠的喲!

filter 濾器
fin 魚鰭
fish 魚
gill 魚鰓
scale 魚鱗
snout 動物突出的口鼻部

Sharks are fish.
Sharks come in many shapes and sizes.
The whale sharks is the biggest fish in the ocean. It is longer than a bus.
The smallest sharks are the length of a pencil.
Sharks have skeletons made of a soft material called cartilage.
Cartilage is light and rubbery. It lets sharks bend their bodies to swim.
Sharks have tiny scales on their skin. They look like tiny teeth.
Many sharks have a pointed snout and large jaws.
Sharks have fins. They use their fins to turn and stop in the water.
Sharks have slits near their mouths that they use to breathe.
These slits are called gills.
Sharks have a fin on their backs. Sometimes it pokes above the water.
Sharks have a tail. They move it from side to side to swim.
Some sharks swim fast.
They chase fish and other prey.
Some sharks hide on the ocean floor. They grab their prey as it swims by.
Some sharks have rows of pointed teeth for tearing food.
Some sharks have flat teeth for crushing crabs, lobsters, and other animals with shells.
Some sharks suck in water and use their filters to catch small plants and animals.
Sharks are always on the move. They wander the ocean in search of food.

Did you listen to the story carefully?
Let’s do a quiz!
Number one: Which shark is the biggest in the ocean?
Whale shark.

Number two: What is cartilage?
A shark’s bones are made out of cartilage.
It is light and rubbery. It lets sharks bend their bodies to swim.

Number three: What do sharks use their fins for?
They use fins to turn and stop in the water?

Number four: How do sharks breathe?
They breathe with their gills.

Were you right?

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