童意心 Design Group, The Social Innovation Company's Founder, Ann L. Grew up in 6 different countries and her creative mindset has enabled her to be the translator of people and businesses. When Ann moved to Taiwan, she did not only pursue design, but also education, F&B industries to diversify the perspective of the society she wants to serve. Her curiosity helped her see the communication gap between adults and children. Her creativity helped her develop a design thinking toolkit to close that communication gap, which today is utilized to help businesses in different industries to communicate with one another or to the consumers. Today we'll tap into 童意心 Design Group's founding story and share Ann's 5+ years of journey as a social entrepreneur. You can follow Ann here: https://www.instagram.com/heyliao/ and get to know more about 童意心 Design Group here: https://www.facebook.com/The.Social.Innovation.Company 曾在6個不同的國家長大且充滿創意力的Ann,讓今天的她能夠成為人與人、產業與產業間有效溝通的橋樑。當初Ann剛搬到台灣時,不僅從事她本科設計的工作,同時還嘗試教育和餐飲業,為了就是希望能夠更深入了解她想要服務貢獻的社會。 她的好奇心讓她能夠觀察到成人與小孩溝通之間的斷層、她的創意力讓她能夠開發自己一套Design Thinking 方法論。如今這套模式不僅設計為課程幫助小孩的創意和潛能更能被家長看見,甚至也幫助企業能夠更有效的與消費者和不同產業別的合作夥伴溝通。 你可以在這裏追蹤Ann的個人IG: https://www.instagram.com/heyliao/ 了解更多關於「童意心」可以到https://www.facebook.com/The.Social.Innovation.Company 也歡迎到節目官網了解更多資訊和訂閱每週三女力手札電子報喔! https://www.grlpwrtalks.com/ 最後非常感謝BEAUTY HEROS「美力生活節—運動派對」給女力心聲獨家現折100元優惠,如果妳也想要和我還有幾位女力代表們一同參與這個萬聖節🎃當天的workout party 點擊下方連結了解活動詳情https://bit.ly/378UfKv 別忘記使用折扣代碼 grlpwr
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