菜英文- 地震『英文閱讀』181

2024-04-05·12 分鐘


菜英文- 地震『英文閱讀』181#英文學習 #多益

目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位



In the event of an earthquake in Taiwan, it is important to have a plan in place to ensure safety and minimize damage. 

This includes identifying safe areas in your home or workplace, having emergency supplies on hand, and knowing the evacuation routes. 

It is also important to stay informed and follow the instructions of local authorities. 

If you are in a high-rise building, be aware of the evacuation procedures and practice earthquake drills regularly. 

Additionally, secure any heavy objects in your home or office that could potentially fall and cause harm.

Following the devastating毀滅性的 earthquake that struck Taiwan in 1999, the government implemented a food distribution plan to provide relief to affected areas. 

This included distributing food rations口糧 to survivors and setting up temporary kitchens to provide hot meals. 

The plan also focused on distributing nutritious food to ensure the health and well-being of those affected by the disaster. 

Since then, Taiwan has continued to improve its disaster response plans, including food distribution, to better prepare for future earthquakes.

In the event of an earthquake in Taiwan, it is important to stay calm and follow these safety measures: 

1. Drop to the ground and take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture or against an interior wall. 

2. Hold on to the furniture or wall to stay protected during shaking. 

3. If you are outdoors, move to an open area away from buildings, trees, and power lines. 

4. If you are in a vehicle, pull over to a safe location and stay inside until the shaking stops. 

5. After the shaking stops, check for injuries and evacuate if necessary. 

6. Follow any instructions and evacuation orders from local authorities. 

7. Prepare an emergency kit with essentials such as food, water, and first aid supplies. 

8. Practice earthquake drills with your family or coworkers.

9. Stay informed and prepared in case of future earthquakes.

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