澳洲ASPI智庫Dr. Malcolm Davis討論灰色衝突/ Dr. Malcolm Davis of ASPI Discusses Gray Zone Conflicts

2022-03-09·38 分鐘


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歡迎回到謝伯伯時間!今天大叔們將和Malcolm Davis博士討論灰色衝突。
相信有在收聽謝伯伯時間的聽眾對Dr. Malcolm並不陌生,博士是ASPI澳洲智庫的資深分析師,也和澳洲國防部合作過。本集博士和大叔們討論國家該如何面對這些來自他國的灰色衝突,並以幾個假設來分析:


Today we launch a mini-series discussing gray zone conflicts. Increasingly countries like Russia and China are using gray zone actions (generally non-military and below the level of war) to challenge other counties or regions. Examples, according to CSIS, include information warfare, economic sabotage and use of ambiguous forces among others.

Dr. Malcolm Davis of ASPI, no stranger to our listeners, talks to us today about how countries should face these gray zone actions coming from hostile countries. He explores some what-ifs with us:

-What if some Chinese fishermen tacitly backed by PLA Navy decide to take over a Taiwan controlled island?

-What should Australia do about recent Chinese hacking of its prime minister’s official WeChat account? (No longer a what-if, it happened.)

-What if China declares ADIZ (防空識別區) over the entire South China Sea?

Also, why is it not a good idea for the US and its allies to draw redlines? So what should they do to make sure things don’t get out of control?

Let’s take a listen.

Show notes:
-“Competing in the Gray Zone”: https://cutt.ly/VAsxk3b
-Air Defense Identification Zone: https://cutt.ly/gAsxFHm

Image sources:
-Malcolm Davis (Malcolm Davis’ personal archive)
-“War’s Future: The Risks and Rewards of Grey-Zone Conflict and Hybrid Warfare” (CGAI: https://cutt.ly/kAsc14I )
- Chinese Fleet in Contested Waters (ChinaTimes: https://cutt.ly/rAsmrZo )


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