Ep. 21: HKOSFF Festival Line-Up w/ Lindy [English]

2023-04-18·1 小時 1 分鐘


This episode features a conversation between HKOS Podcast host and film and media educator/film programmer/film archivist Lindy Leong about the HKOSFF festival line-up. They discuss the origin, mission, and goals of HKOS and how this inaugural film festival (being held on April 28th-30th, 2023, at the Starlight Whittier Village Cinemas) aspires to offer an important platform for HK independent cinema while celebrating the incredible legacy of Hong Kong cinema, as best exemplified by the 20th Anniversary tribute to HK icons Leslie Cheung and Anita Mui. An overview of each festival day is provided with some insights into the features and the shorts showcase.

For the box office: please check here: https://www.hkonscreen.org/festival/schedule.

如果你想聽有關電影節的廣東話介紹,請聽AM1430日落大道 2023年4月14日的節目聲音重溫或者Youtube 重溫。

Films Mentioned:

Rouge 胭脂扣(1987) - 4K Restoration
Nomad 烈火青春(1982) - 4K Restoration
The Heroic Trio 東方三俠 (1993) 
Days of Being Wild 阿飛正傳 (1990) - 4K Restoration 
Happy Together (1997)春光乍洩 - 4K Restoration
The Narrow Road 窄路微塵(2022)
Made in Hong Kong 香港製造 (1997) - 4K Restoration
The Sparring Partner 正義迴廊 (2022)
To Be Continued 尚未完場 / The Entrepot 中轉站 (both 2022)
The Sunny Side of the Street 白日青春 (2022)

Shorts 短片:
Three Rivers for a Fish 迴游
By 3 pm 下午三點
The Outlanders - From HKG to SEA
Blue Hour 第一晚
White Night 天暗亦日月
Night is Young 夜更

You can also check the list on letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/hkonscreen/list/movies-mentioned-episode-21/

The Hong Kong On Screen Podcast is a podcast about Hong Kong Cinema. The HKOS Podcast is hosted by Hong Kongers. You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also email us at info@hkonscreen.org.

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