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What’s your beef?是什麼意思呢?
What’s your beef? 是你怎麼了?你在抱怨什麼
每堂課500 元 一小時
單堂買課 沒壓力
一三五 晚上7-10點
每次上課都會 另外補充『道地俚語』喔
讓你看 美劇 電影 輕鬆到位
1 Airbnb has more than 7.7 million百萬 active積極 listings列表, so travellers旅行者 have a lot of options選項.
2 A top travel expert專家 says you should do some due應付的 diligence勤奮 if you want to make sure your booking預訂 is genuine真的.
3 If there aren't any reviews評論, or if they seem似乎 overly過於 positive正面 or ge‘neric通用的, it might be a scam騙局.
4 Look for a consistent pattern圖案 of reviews.
5 There's a chance機會 that lots of reviews made in quick快的 succession連續不斷的人 are fake偽造."
6 Next, we'll look at the quality品質 of the photos.
7 The photos could be stolen被盜 if they're perfectly完美 posed, well-lit光線充足, and slightly輕微地 generic-looking通用外觀.
8 "Beware當心 of hosts主人 who ask for personal個人 information資訊 or payment支付 details outside Airbnb,"
9 The co-founder聯合創始人 and CEO of Airbnb is Brian Joseph Chesky (born August 29, 1981).
10 Based on Forbes福布斯, Chesky is the 190th richest最富有 person in the world with a net worth淨資產 of $9.6 billion 96億美元 mainly主要是 from Airbnb shares股份.
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