(中文) 碳中和- Apple paper Box- Invest Taiwan- 綠能概念股 1905華紙

2021-07-15·8 分鐘







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1.擴大投資再生能源 : 花蓮廠目前已設置台灣唯一且發電量最大的生質能發電系統,預計年底完成升級後,可讓發電容量從16000kW提升至20000kW,將可增加能源自主率。花蓮廠同時正進行餘熱回收工程,將熱能回收再利用。
2.智慧轉型數位產銷 : 導入AI和AOI建立智慧偵測模型系統,事先預警,做好品質控管。另外,透過智慧巡檢及早發現設備異常,改善生產損耗並強化管理效益,藉此降減每個生產銷售環節的碳排放。
3. 深耕纖維材料領域:華紙去年進行組織改造並購入觀音廠,同時發表非塑食安用紙「益利CircuWell」系列產品,決心成為非塑全循環材料供應者。以此為基礎,花蓮廠與觀音廠計畫擴增產線,並投入更多研發經費,持續拓展非塑展品終端應用。

Huazhi (1905) held a shareholder meeting today (7). It was chaired by Chairman Huang Kunxiong. He declared at the meeting that Huazhi will join the "International Renewable Energy Initiative RE100" as its goal and drive the supply chain to respond. Using 60% renewable energy by 2030 and 100% renewable energy by 2050, in addition to the existing forest carbon sink assets, it will also strengthen the energy autonomy rate in the factory, and use smart technology to promote digital production and sales to reduce product carbon footprint.

Huang Kunxiong said that although the entire market has been sluggish in the past three years, especially in the cultural paper industry, China Paper has expanded its capital expenditures in the past three years and has made major changes to its operating structure in the process. First of all, Huazhi introduced a digital tool, namely AI, to re-link logistics and cash flow, improve the entire supply chain, and serve customers on five continents at home and abroad. Secondly, Huazhi strengthened its R&D energy and professional and patented layout. In this process, a series of food safety paper and fully recycled products were launched. Third, Huazhi has re-examined the entire product structure and moved towards a low-carbon, low-energy-consumption full-recycling series. In this process, it has also been affirmed by Japanese and European peers and industries.

For the entire year of last year, the COVID-19 pandemic and the spread of the US-China technology war have significantly weakened global economic growth, which affected the sports performance of Huazhi. In 2020, Huazhi’s consolidated revenue was 18.617 billion yuan, and the company’s net loss attributable to the company after tax was 200 million yuan. Yuan, the net loss per share after tax is 0.18 Yuan. The shareholders' meeting also passed a resolution not to distribute dividends.

Huang Kunxiong pointed out that all countries in the world are facing the crisis of climate change, especially the imminent imposition of a carbon tax, and no industry can stay aside. The paper industry uses forest fiber as its material. It is originally a circular economy industry, and it should become a carbon neutral practitioner. Huazhi therefore plans to use digital technology to replace energy and improve efficiency, and replace petrochemicals with biomass materials. It is expected to join as soon as possible. "International Renewable Energy Initiative RE100".

Huazhi currently has three plans:

1. Expand investment in renewable energy: The Hualien plant has currently installed Taiwan's only and largest biomass power generation system. After the upgrade is completed at the end of the year, the power generation capacity can be increased from 16000kW to 20000kW, which will increase the energy independence rate. The Hualien plant is also carrying out waste heat recovery projects to recover and reuse heat energy.

2. Smart transformation of digital production and sales: AI and AOI are introduced to establish a smart detection model system, early warning, and quality control. In addition, early detection of equipment abnormalities through smart inspections can improve production losses and strengthen management efficiency, thereby reducing carbon emissions in each production and sales link.

3. Deeply cultivating the field of fiber materials: Huazhi carried out organizational transformation last year and merged into the Guanyin Factory. At the same time, it released the non-plastic food safety paper "Yili CircuWell" series products, determined to become a non-plastic full-cycle material supplier. Based on this, Hualien Plant and Guanyin Plant plan to expand production lines and invest more research and development funds to continue to expand the terminal applications of non-plastic exhibits.

Huazhi said that in the future, in addition to making good use of the carbon sink assets of more than 30,000 hectares of cross-strait afforestation, it will also further reduce carbon emissions through digital transformation.

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