【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】What is the primary purpose? 主要目的是甚麼?

2023-10-02·10 分鐘


M: Ok. Let me report to everyone when and where we are going on the business trip.
W: So where are we going this time?
M: We are going to Washington, D.C. next Monday.
W: What is the primary purpose for this business trip?
M: The primary purpose for this business trip is to inspect our branch stores.
W: So we have to disguise ourselves?
M: Yes, we have to. It’s better to inspect their service as customers.

1. report [rɪ'pɔrt] (v.) 報告
2. Washington, D.C. [wɑʃɪŋtəṇ di si] (n.) 華盛頓(美國首都)
3. primary ['praɪmɛrɪ] (adj.) 首要的
4. purpose ['pɝpəs] (n.) 目的
5. inspect [ɪn'spɛkt] (v.) 審查
6. branch store [bræntʃ stɔr] (n.) 分店
7. disguise [dɪs'gaɪz] (v.) 偽裝

👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUSWhat is the primary purpose for...? 《Note》 What is the primary purpose for this business trip? (這次商務旅遊的主要目的為何?) 《Examples》 1What is the primary purpose for this project? What is the primary purpose for next season’s plan?
A: _____________________?
B: The primary purpose for this business trip is to observe how our branch stores are doing.

💯《Answer Key》: What is the primary purpose for this business trip 
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