台郎抵加 Vincent & KJ in Canada

台郎抵加 Vincent & KJ in Canada

Vincent & KJ

我們會用閒聊的方式來討論加拿大的所見所聞與文化衝突,跟我們一起好好的探討世界吧。 每週1~2更 每月1集英文 episode IG: https://www.instagram.com/vincent_kj_incanada/ 合作請洽 vincentandkjcanada@gmail.com 留言給我們 https://reurl.cc/GebxNp -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


EP 50 我們回來了!!! We are back!!

EP 50 我們回來了!!! We are back!!

🄴 台郎抵加 Vincent & KJ in Canada

千呼萬喚始出來!!! We are back!!! 實在抱歉大家 不知道還有沒有人在這兒呢~~~ 歡迎大家在寫信給我們 https://reurl.cc/ykvKYa 有兩篇還沒有回應 請再等等我們 Rae & Nick ----- 大家好,我們是Vincent & KJ :) #台郎抵加 Vincent & KJ in Canada IG https://www.instagram.com/vincent_kj_incanada/?hl=en 各大平台收聽: https://linktr.ee/Vincent_KJ_in_Canada ----- 歡迎收聽與訂閱 台郎抵加 Vincent & KJ in Canada 📌 SoundOn: https://sndn.link/VincentKJCanada 📌 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/44jJBqRJD2qVqOk1YJBGUO 📌 Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/1581903191 📌 Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zb3VuZG9uLmZtL3BvZGNhc3RzLzY2ZTZjMjM1LTVkZjUtNDVmYy04ZjgxLWZiMjRmYWZhNTg0MS54bWw 📌 KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/tw/channel/5am1PXdswU34xu0Zhp -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

EP49 問題回覆,關於租房子的大小事! Some Tips for renting a house / room in Canada /Toronto

EP49 問題回覆,關於租房子的大小事! Some Tips for renting a house / room in Canada /Toronto

🄴 台郎抵加 Vincent & KJ in Canada

收到了聽眾的問題,就讓KJ來回答你!! 終於有人在我們下面留言了(Vincent表示痛哭流涕) 另外歡迎大家來我們IG或是google表單留言喔 https://reurl.cc/ykvKYa ----- 大家好,我們是Vincent & KJ :) #台郎抵加 Vincent & KJ in Canada IG https://www.instagram.com/vincent_kj_incanada/?hl=en 各大平台收聽: https://linktr.ee/Vincent_KJ_in_Canada ----- 歡迎收聽與訂閱 台郎抵加 Vincent & KJ in Canada 📌 SoundOn: https://sndn.link/VincentKJCanada 📌 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/44jJBqRJD2qVqOk1YJBGUO 📌 Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/1581903191 📌 Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zb3VuZG9uLmZtL3BvZGNhc3RzLzY2ZTZjMjM1LTVkZjUtNDVmYy04ZjgxLWZiMjRmYWZhNTg0MS54bWw 📌 KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/tw/channel/5am1PXdswU34xu0Zhp -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

EP48 什麼東西留在身上不會後悔?刺客抵加!HK Tattoo Artist in Toronto

EP48 什麼東西留在身上不會後悔?刺客抵加!HK Tattoo Artist in Toronto

🄴 台郎抵加 Vincent & KJ in Canada

KJ居然在我回台灣的時間偷偷來刺青 讓我們來揭開刺青的神秘面紗~~ ----- 大家好,我們是Vincent & KJ :) #台郎抵加 Vincent & KJ in Canada IG https://www.instagram.com/vincent_kj_incanada/?hl=en 各大平台收聽: https://linktr.ee/Vincent_KJ_in_Canada ----- 歡迎收聽與訂閱 台郎抵加 Vincent & KJ in Canada 📌 SoundOn: https://sndn.link/VincentKJCanada 📌 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/44jJBqRJD2qVqOk1YJBGUO 📌 Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/1581903191 📌 Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zb3VuZG9uLmZtL3BvZGNhc3RzLzY2ZTZjMjM1LTVkZjUtNDVmYy04ZjgxLWZiMjRmYWZhNTg0MS54bWw 📌 KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/tw/channel/5am1PXdswU34xu0Zhp -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

EP47 陷害我來加拿大的罪魁禍首(II) —— 改變整個旅程的決定 Feat. 人類  The person who framed me to go to Canada (II) ——  a decisions that changed his entire journey

EP47 陷害我來加拿大的罪魁禍首(II) —— 改變整個旅程的決定 Feat. 人類 The person who framed me to go to Canada (II) —— a decisions that changed his entire journey

🄴 台郎抵加 Vincent & KJ in Canada

回台錄音的第二集 書接上回 還是邀請到人類繼續跟我們分享這奇幻的半年旅遊 究竟是子樣的事情導致整個計畫全然大變!! ----- 大家好,我們是Vincent & KJ :) #台郎抵加 Vincent & KJ in Canada IG https://www.instagram.com/vincent_kj_incanada/?hl=en 各大平台收聽: https://linktr.ee/Vincent_KJ_in_Canada ----- 歡迎收聽與訂閱 台郎抵加 Vincent & KJ in Canada 📌 SoundOn: https://sndn.link/VincentKJCanada 📌 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/44jJBqRJD2qVqOk1YJBGUO 📌 Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/1581903191 📌 Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zb3VuZG9uLmZtL3BvZGNhc3RzLzY2ZTZjMjM1LTVkZjUtNDVmYy04ZjgxLWZiMjRmYWZhNTg0MS54bWw 📌 KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/tw/channel/5am1PXdswU34xu0Zhp -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

EP46 陷害我來加拿大的罪魁禍首 (I) The person who framed me to go to Canada (I)

EP46 陷害我來加拿大的罪魁禍首 (I) The person who framed me to go to Canada (I)

🄴 台郎抵加 Vincent & KJ in Canada

終於是回來台灣了!! 這次來訪問當初陷害我來加拿大的人 結果居然訪出了精彩故事!! BTW 今天的另一個彩蛋是新的Host ----- 大家好,我們是Vincent & KJ :) #台郎抵加 Vincent & KJ in Canada IG https://www.instagram.com/vincent_kj_incanada/?hl=en 各大平台收聽: https://linktr.ee/Vincent_KJ_in_Canada ----- 歡迎收聽與訂閱 台郎抵加 Vincent & KJ in Canada 📌 SoundOn: https://sndn.link/VincentKJCanada 📌 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/44jJBqRJD2qVqOk1YJBGUO 📌 Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/1581903191 📌 Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zb3VuZG9uLmZtL3BvZGNhc3RzLzY2ZTZjMjM1LTVkZjUtNDVmYy04ZjgxLWZiMjRmYWZhNTg0MS54bWw 📌 KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/tw/channel/5am1PXdswU34xu0Zhp -- Hosting provided by SoundOn