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本集介紹Aenbie 與 Dave今天再度訪問到正在復興崗就學的外籍生Vincent! Vincent是北喬治亞軍校生,但到了復興崗之後,覺得復興崗軍校有許多嚴格的管制,例如MDM的安裝與管制。 另外,在北喬治亞軍校,早上有群體的體能訓練,體能訓練後就幾乎沒有連隊集合時間,下午5點後也可以換穿便服離開學校。 當然,兩所軍校都有階級制,必須要服從與尊重位階較高者;不過,兩所軍校在階級上的體現不太一樣。相對來說,復興崗的低年級軍校生受到更為嚴格的管制,高年級軍校生的生活比較輕鬆,更重視如何學習領導統禦。 英文重點PT (physical training):體能訓練civilian clothes:便服uniform:制服rank:階級laid-back:輕鬆的 (以上內容為受訪者短期交流之個人意見) --Hosting provided by SoundOn
本集介紹Aenbie 與 Dave今天來到北投復興崗,訪問正在復興崗就學的外籍生Vincent! 20歲的Vincent來自北喬治亞軍校,準備升大三,主修現代中文! Vincent在準備升高中的時候,有一位來自臺灣的朋友邀請他一起學中文,他就此愛上中文,現在更是喜歡中文現代詩集!覺得中文詩與英文詩非常不同,尤其中文有聲調起伏,讀起來非常美! 不過,中文字書寫是比較困難的,尤其還有區分簡體字與繁體字,所以Vincent現在很認真,買了一塊白板,反覆練習讀寫,希望可以精進中文! 英文重點freshman:新鮮人(用於高中或大學)sophomore:二年級rising junior cadet:大二準備升大三的軍校生senior:四年級tone:聲調character:文字traditional character:繁(正)體字simplified character:簡體字 --Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: With the countdown on to Inauguration Day, the Army is brushing up on its 21-gun salute. Besides rehearsing the ceremonial salute every day, soldiers are also undergoing grueling heat training, standing under the noon sun for 40 minutes at a time. It’s all to ensure a flawless performance on May 20. Vocabularies: countdown:倒數Inauguration Day:就職日inauguration:就職典禮 (n.)inaugurate:舉行就職典禮 (v.)brush up on:複習、練習21-gun salute:21響禮砲salute:敬禮rehearse:預演、彩排 (v.)rehearsal:彩排 (n.)undergo:經歷grueling:艱苦的ensure:確保flawless:完美的 ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei --Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: Taiwan's Navy is expected to commission two more domestically built Tou Jiang-class stealth missile corvettes into service next month, meaning they will be officially ready to safeguard the waters around Taiwan.The corvette is fitted with subsonic Hsiung Feng-II (HF-2) missiles, supersonic Hsiung Feng-III (HF-3) anti-ship missiles, a 76mm cannon and Sea Sword II carrier-based medium-range air defense missiles, giving them the ability to hit air and sea targets simultaneously. Vocabularies: commission:委任、安排commission sth into service:使服役stealth:匿蹤stealth bomber:匿蹤轟炸機corvette:巡防艦be fitted with:配備subsonic:次音速的supersonic:高音速的carrier-based:艦載的medium-range:中程的simultaneously:同時地 ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei --Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: The computerized war games of this year's Han Kuang military exercises included lessons learned from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas conflict.Special emphasis was given to such scenarios as "gray zone" activities and a surprise attack on Taiwan by Chinese forces operating under the false pretense of a drill.Key priorities will be to test the military's ability to transition between peacetime and war, joint interdiction operations and anti-blockade capabilities, overall air defense capabilities, and operations under a decentralized command structure. Vocabularies: computerized war games:電腦兵推computerized:電腦化的war game:兵推invasion:入侵Israel-Hamas conflict:以哈衝突emphasis:強調重點scenario:想定surprise attack:奇襲pretense:假裝、佯裝priority:優先事項transition:轉換interdiction:截擊anti-blockade:反封鎖,overall:整體的decentralized command:去中心化指管(分散式指揮管制) ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei --Hosting provided by SoundOn