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EP.94 沱江級量產艦【武江】、【旭江】要成軍啦!

EP.94 沱江級量產艦【武江】、【旭江】要成軍啦!

🄴 阿兵妹英文手記

English Sentences:Taiwan's Navy is expected to commission two more domestically built Tou Jiang-class stealth missile corvettes into service next month, meaning they will be officially ready to safeguard the waters around Taiwan.The corvette is fitted with subsonic Hsiung Feng-II (HF-2) missiles, supersonic Hsiung Feng-III (HF-3) anti-ship missiles, a 76mm cannon and Sea Sword II carrier-based medium-range air defense missiles, giving them the ability to hit air and sea targets simultaneously.Vocabularies:commission:委任、安排commission sth into service:使服役stealth:匿蹤stealth bomber:匿蹤轟炸機corvette:巡防艦be fitted with:配備subsonic:次音速的supersonic:高音速的carrier-based:艦載的medium-range:中程的simultaneously:同時地▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei--Hosting provided by SoundOn

EP.93 這一次,八天七夜!漢光40號電腦兵推

EP.93 這一次,八天七夜!漢光40號電腦兵推

🄴 阿兵妹英文手記

English Sentences:The computerized war games of this year's Han Kuang military exercises included lessons learned from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas conflict.Special emphasis was given to such scenarios as "gray zone" activities and a surprise attack on Taiwan by Chinese forces operating under the false pretense of a drill.Key priorities will be to test the military's ability to transition between peacetime and war, joint interdiction operations and anti-blockade capabilities, overall air defense capabilities, and operations under a decentralized command structure.Vocabularies:computerized war games:電腦兵推computerized:電腦化的war game:兵推invasion:入侵Israel-Hamas conflict:以哈衝突emphasis:強調重點scenario:想定surprise attack:奇襲pretense:假裝、佯裝priority:優先事項transition:轉換interdiction:截擊anti-blockade:反封鎖,overall:整體的decentralized command:去中心化指管(分散式指揮管制)▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei--Hosting provided by SoundOn

EP.92 聽說國防部要成立無人機的 Pilot Training Center!

EP.92 聽說國防部要成立無人機的 Pilot Training Center!

🄴 阿兵妹英文手記

English Sentences:The military has beefed up its drone arsenal in recent years, through both overseas procurement and domestic production. With the increase in drones comes the need for more drone pilots. With the increase in drones comes the need for more drone pilots. To meet the talent gap, the defense ministry says it will establish a dedicated pilot training center. Working with the private sector, the center will provide training of instructors who can teach other drone pilots, and offer a wide array of courses, including training in combat scenarios.Vocabularies:beef up:加強、充實drone:無人機arsenal:武器、裝備procurement:採購gap:缺口talent:人才、人力meet the gap:補足缺口dedicated:專用的sector:部門private sector:民間廠商instructor:教官array:系列scenario:情境;想定▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei--Hosting provided by SoundOn

EP.91 你有玩TikTok嗎?TikTok is a dangerous product!

EP.91 你有玩TikTok嗎?TikTok is a dangerous product!

🄴 阿兵妹英文手記

English Sentences:In Taiwan, any product that can be significantly controlled by foreign adversaries, directly or indirectly, is considered a threat to national information and communication security and is deemed a dangerous product. When asked about the proposed law amendment, the minister of Digital Affairs, Audrey Tang, told that "dangerous products" include those provided by the substantive controller of sources of infiltration, as referred to in the Anti-Infiltration Act.Vocabularies:significantly:顯著地、明顯地adversary:敵人、敵對方deem:視為、認為數位發展部:Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA)substantive:本質的controller:控制者infiltration:滲透refer to:提及Anti-infiltration Act:反滲透法▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei--Hosting provided by SoundOn

EP.90 就是這一本Handbook!全民國防應變手冊 All-out Defense Adaptation Handbook

EP.90 就是這一本Handbook!全民國防應變手冊 All-out Defense Adaptation Handbook

🄴 阿兵妹英文手記

English Sentences:In April 2022, the ADMA first published the All-out Defense Handbook (Template), which received wide comments that because of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, the handbook should address stringent situations during wartime and offer more information for the people to adapt.To help deal with all possible situations at war and enable the people to save themselves and the others, the revised Handbook is divided into 2 parts: preparation at peacetime and adaptation at wartime with contents.Vocabularies:全民防衛動員署(全動署):All-Out Defense Mobilization Agency (ADMA)handbook:手冊、指南comment:評論stringent:嚴重的、嚴峻的adapt:應變 (v.)adaptation:應變 (n.)deal with:應處、應對enable:使能夠revise:修訂divide:區隔 + intopreparation at peacetime:平時準備adaptation at wartime:戰時應變▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei--Hosting provided by SoundOn