Kevin 英文不難

Kevin 英文不難



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#440. 美國總統拜登退選

#440. 美國總統拜登退選

🄴 Kevin 英文不難

President Biden is ending his run for a second term in office, a bombshell decision just 107 days before Election Day, due to pressure from his party after a disastrous debate at the end of June where he seemed to lose his train of thought. 片語 someone’s run for something 競選某職位John’s run for student council was unsuccessful.搭配詞 bombshell decision 震驚的決定搭配詞 train of thought 思緒 --Hosting provided by SoundOn

#439. 一個籃球選手的故事

#439. 一個籃球選手的故事

🄴 Kevin 英文不難

When Leroy was a teenager, he had a really close group of friends. There were five of them, and they hung out all the time. 語塊 close group of friends 一群密友I had a really close group of friends in high school, but unfortunately we don’t keep in touch anymore. It was a group called The Dude Crew. 單字 crew 一夥人、死黨、團隊 The Dude Crew was big into sports. And at their high school, the varsity basketball team was the thing everyone wanted to be on. Back in the 10th grade, Leroy and one other guy, one of his best friends in The Dude Crew, decided they were going to try out. Even though Leroy had just started playing basketball only a couple of years earlier. The tryout happened, and a few days later, while he was in class, the list of who made the team was finally posted. Leroy looked frantically for his name. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 --Hosting provided by SoundOn

#438. 美國歷任總統與候選人遇襲紀錄

#438. 美國歷任總統與候選人遇襲紀錄

🄴 Kevin 英文不難

ABRAHAM LINCOLN, the 16th president Lincoln was the first president to be assassinated. He was shot by John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865, while attending a performance at Ford’s Theatre in Washington. Lincoln died the next morning, and his assassination is believed to have been motivated by his support for Black rights. Booth was killed 12 days later. assassinated 暗殺Be assasinated 被暗殺Be motivated by 受某東西刺激、啟發 --Hosting provided by SoundOn

#437. 一位單親媽媽的書改變了世界

#437. 一位單親媽媽的書改變了世界

🄴 Kevin 英文不難

In a small city in England, there was a woman named Joanne. Joanne loved to write stories. She would spend hours writing in coffee shops, and she dreamed of becoming a famous author. But life was not easy for Joanne. She faced many challenges and disappointments. 文法 would… 過去經常重複做的事情 When I was a boy, I would visit my grandparents every summer.On weekends, we would play soccer in the field behind our house. 語塊 life was not easy 生活不容易 語塊 face many challenges and disappointments We faced many challenges when we first started our company. --Hosting provided by SoundOn

#436. 怎麼用英文問「你為什麼進入 XX 領域工作?」

#436. 怎麼用英文問「你為什麼進入 XX 領域工作?」

🄴 Kevin 英文不難

1. 你做什麼工作? 問句: What do you do for work?What do you do for a living?(X) What do you do for job? 回答: I work as an engineer. I’m an engineer. work in + 領域 I work in finance / sales / marketing.(x) I’m a sales. (x) I’m a marketing. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 --Hosting provided by SoundOn