和她們一起做的事Things to do with girls

和她們一起做的事Things to do with girls





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打開嗓子唱Open your voice and sing_London bridge is falling down

打開嗓子唱Open your voice and sing_London bridge is falling down

🄴 和她們一起做的事Things to do with girls

停課期間我們練習了第二首歌, 對小朋友來說,可以找到許多繪本作者來自🇬🇧 對我來說,英式搖滾,好吃的司康、泰特美術館是非常嚮往的~ 雖然這首歌詞網路有些不一樣的傳說故事, 但不可否認的是,小朋友很喜歡玩這個遊戲,三個人在家裏也能玩得不亦樂乎呢! Powered by Firstory Hosting

打開嗓子唱Open your voice and sing_little cabin in the woods

打開嗓子唱Open your voice and sing_little cabin in the woods

🄴 和她們一起做的事Things to do with girls

聽了采聿老師的podcast我們找到了譜,dora將小提琴的音符寫上去,我幫忙寫pinky的卡林巴譜,到ibon印出,我則看著采聿老師所供的烏克麗麗譜,就這樣嘗試了很跳痛的三重奏! Powered by Firstory Hosting

打開各式各樣的粉_玩土說明書 Open all kinds of fans_Instructions for playing  soil

打開各式各樣的粉_玩土說明書 Open all kinds of fans_Instructions for playing soil

🄴 和她們一起做的事Things to do with girls

當玩泥巴、玩黏土變成吃的,是一段很有意思的故事。 Powered by Firstory Hosting

打開廚房—歐姆蛋製作說明書Open the kitchen_Instructions for making an omelette

打開廚房—歐姆蛋製作說明書Open the kitchen_Instructions for making an omelette

🄴 和她們一起做的事Things to do with girls

今天中午吃什麼呢? 不然我們一起來做歐姆蛋! 像國外飯店早餐那種,Good morning,what can I get for you today? I want an Omelette,thanks. Powered by Firstory Hosting

打開木盒子_獨角仙標本製作說明書Open the wooden box_  Specimen making instructions of   rhinoceros beetle

打開木盒子_獨角仙標本製作說明書Open the wooden box_ Specimen making instructions of rhinoceros beetle

🄴 和她們一起做的事Things to do with girls

疫情停課的某一天,家門前車庫發現不速之客一隻甲蟲,先不理會一陣子以為牠會自己飛走,觀察後發現好像無法自己行動,隔日牠就死了,我們都沒有製作過標本的經驗,也許因為停課較有時間,慢慢地經過一個多禮拜,我們終於完成第一個標本了! 順便在房間發現了一隻雄蟻也一起放進木盒子.與牠相伴. Powered by Firstory Hosting