菜英文- 這麼好玩!『podcastlog』161#英文學習 #多益
目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位
There was no traffic jam at all when we came to Tainan today.
The traffic conditions from Taichung were perfect.
We stayed at the Fuwei Fashion Hotel in downtown Tainan.
It took a long time to check in, but the hotel was very clean, even on the floor.
The floor was clean, so I didn’t need indoor slippers.
After that, my friend went to meet other friends first.
I took it out by myself and ate duck rice.
It was very delicious.
The decoration inside is magnificent.
I feel that Tainan is very cultural, and there are many unique shops.
Although the traffic is a bit bad when walking, maybe pedestrians all over Taiwan face some traffic dangers.
I'm very lucky that the weather is very good today.
It rained a little when I arrived in Tainan in the afternoon, but then the weather became very sunny again.
I was very lucky that it was probably at night before the Chinese New Year, so there weren't too many people.
Before eating duck rice, I saw an old lady who opened an old-style pork rice restaurant.
I was attracted by this old style.
It tasted really sweet.
I’m not used to it, but it’s still delicious.
There aren’t many customers inside, but I feel that the business is very stable.
There is a walking area in Tainan.
It is very similar to the Korean shopping district.
It feels unique.
When you look at it from a distance, each store has its taste and feels very comfortable.
I just bought a cup of black tea and started drinking it.
It was a very nice tea with a very strong flavor.
Because I didn’t bring a plastic bag, I bought two bags.
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