你最想做什麼, 奶奶? written by Nanette Newman

2021-02-01·4 minutes


這本翻譯繪本描述了祖孫之間緊密的情感,非常的可愛.在這繪本裡頭孫女問奶奶,她最想做什麼,他們一起發掘了很多不同有趣的工作. 猜猜看奶奶最想做的是什麼呢?當然是和他的孫女在一起陪伴.
What will you be grandma? There are many roles that Grandma play in this story. It's fun to exploring different jobs together for grandma from the perspective of her little granddaughter. Guess what? The grandma's favourite job is to give unconditional love and put her granddaughter to bed at night.
Written by Nanette Newman, illustrated by Emma Chichester Clark. Chinese translation pubished by Shang-Ren Publishing.

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