[幼教老師玩外文]#12 Building a snowman

2022-03-11·2 minutes


Building a snowman- Carolyn Kisloski
Publisher- Ready Readers
建議年紀- 4~7歲



coins 錢幣garden花園 kitchen廚房 scarf 圍巾 
snowball雪球 snowman雪人 sticks樹枝 wallet錢包

Let’s build a snowman.
I’ll roll a big snowball. You roll a little one.
Here is a rock from the garden!
It can be his nose!
Here is a banana from the kitchen.
It can be his mouth!
Here are some coins from my wallet.
They can be his eyes!
Here are some sticks from the tree.
They can be his arms!
Here is a scarf from me.
We can give it to the snowman!
Here is a hat from me.
We can give it to the snowman!
Do we have everything?
I think we need one more thing. What is it?
It is a friend! Yes, he needs a friend.
Let’s build another snowman.

Boys and girls, you may talk about the following questions with your parents.
What are the kids doing in the story?
What did they do first?
What did they use for the snowman’s face?
Have you ever built a snowman?
How did you build your snowman?
Was making a snowman fun? Why or why not?

Quiz time!
Number one: What are the kids doing?
Building a snowman
Number two: What is the first step?
Rolling a big snowball
Number three: Why do they need a banana?
To make the mouth.
Number four: How do they use the sticks?
Number five: Why do they need another snowman?
So he has a friend.
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