#12 Culture | The Global K-Pop Impact | 韓流所帶來的全球影響

2024-05-07·9 minutes


1. definitely adv. 毫無疑問
2. reveal v. 揭露
3. inside n. 裡面
4. relationship n. 關係
5. motivate v. 激勵
6. behavior n. 行為
7. community n. 群體
8. worldwide a. 全世界的
9. impressive a. 深刻印象的
10. disappoint v. (使)失望
11. effort n. 努力
12. deserve v. 值得
Let's Read an article - 好文分享:
📚Title: Inside the world of K-pop
📚Author: David Pogue
🌍Link: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/inside-the-world-of-k-pop/
🎥The Discussion Questions from This Episode:
Do you think being a K-pop star is a good job? Why? Or why not?
✏️Upload Your Worksheet and Share Your Answer with Us:
Music by moodmode from Pixabay
Music by Shiden Beats Music from Pixabay
Photo by Photo by ibmoon Kim on Unsplash
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