(in CH)What is your favorite Mandarin movies?你最喜歡的華語電影?

2022-05-28·30 minutes


What is your favorite Mandarin movies? #MandarinMovies
In this episode, we invite Michael Chin, who is now living in Sydney, to talk about our favorite movies. Those movies come from Taiwan #YouAreTheAppleOfMyEyes,#CapeNo7 #DearEx , Hong Kong#Fearless #GodofGamblers, China #DyingToSurvive, Singapore #INotStupid, and Italy&China#LastEmperor
這集中,我們邀請了現居雪梨(悉尼)的翼,一同與我們聊聊當年我們喜歡的華語電影。這集提到的電影包含來自台灣#誰先愛上他的#那些年我們一起追的女孩#海角七號、香港#霍元甲 #賭神、中國#我不是藥神、新加坡#小孩不笨、以及義大利&中國#末代皇帝

#溥儀 #愛新覺羅 #溥仪 #爱新觉罗
Want to know more about the movie, Last Emperor#末代皇帝 , please click the URL below to get insight!
Want to know more about the movie, I Not Stupid #小孩不笨 , please click the URL below to get insight!

Learn Mandarin with ease, with passion, and with Cesar
你好 (nĭ hăo)and Welcome to Learning Mandarin I teach the beautiful languages Mandarin in short, easy and fun ways.
In this episode, I will have brief introduction about myself, and sharing with you about how to learn Mandarin in entertainment and cultural ways, such as listening to Mandarin pop music, watching series drama or movies.

The link to Mandarin Tutor service:https://preply.com/en/tutor/1373388

My personal website:https://mandarinmeta.com/

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