1.11 English Stereotypes and Identity with Ahmad 聊聊英國和國際身份

2022-06-19·44 minutes


Today’s interview is with Ahmad who was raised in England with Egyptian parents.. Today’s topics cover:
今天的來賓是 Ahmad. 他從小在英國長大 然後父母是埃及人。今天他要來和我們分享: English stereotypes 英國人的刻板印象Growing up with two opposite cultures 在兩個不同文化中長大的影響Influences of moving around as a child 小時候搬家的經驗Moving to Taiwan 來台灣的心得
Episode edited by Tim Huang
Audio recorded at MicMind Studio 

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Video 影片連結 (訪談片段): https://youtu.be/WJpNyqdXvxs 
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