電玩產業 (The Video Game Industry) - 訪談專家:Solomon Temowo

2022-05-10·33 minutes




「打電動」說是台灣的全民運動一點也不為過,在2020年台灣人在手遊上「貢獻」的金額高居全球第 5,台灣「課長」的實力果然堅強!

總部位在台北的遊戲工作室 Playerium 的創辦人參與過許多遊戲大作的製作過程,包括地平線:期待黎明、魔物獵人:世界、惡靈古堡7、最後生還者等等。他今天要來和我們分享:

- 他是如何走進遊戲產業、

- 做過哪些遊戲相關工作

- 為什麼選擇台北當作他工作室的地點



**訪談片段在 (06:08 - 29:42)

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- Succinct (形容詞) 簡潔的

Unlike many professors, Tom is able to give the students a succinct and understandable explanation of complicated subjects such as quantum physics.

- To know something like the back of someone's hand 暸若指掌

After living in Taipei for 30 years, Jeffrey knows the city like the back of his hand.

- To bootstrap (動詞) 利用有限的資源運作

If you were to look at where Apex is today, you might have a hard time believing that Clifford and his wife bootstrapped the entire company with just a little money in the bank and a handful of clients.


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