Sally Hemings, part two

2024-06-26·1 hour 42 minutes


Last time, we looked at Sally's family background and pre-Paris life. This time, we look at her return to Monticello from Paris, and what happened next.
0:00 Intro
04:55 Sally’s story begins
45:47 Ads
1:26:44 Extro
The image for this episode is from the multimedia installation The Life of Sally Hemings at Thomas Jefferson's plantation home, Monticello. Learn about the exhibit here.

As mentioned in the intro, here is the link for Ancestry's new resource: Articles of Enslavement on Ancestry
And here is more information about (and the recipe for) James Hemings's Mac and Cheese

The Hemingses of Monticello by Annette Gordon-Reed
The Life of Sally Hemings (

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