2021.06.03 國際新聞導讀-以國新總統選出、以國新執政聯盟順利組成、伊朗支援艦受創失火沉沒、生病的蝙蝠會自我隔離、以色列下週將為12-15歲兒童施打疫苗

2021-06-03·34 minutes


2021.06.03 國際新聞導讀-以國新總統選出、以國新執政聯盟順利組成、伊朗支援艦受創失火沉沒、生病的蝙蝠會自我隔離、以色列下週將為12-15歲兒童施打疫苗

但是聯盟要在最多 12 天的議會投票後才能最終確定;右翼 MK 可能會反對它,可能會導致競標失敗;Ra'am 是第一個簽署聯盟協議的阿拉伯政黨
通過TOI人員今天,晚上 11:37

Yesh Atid 領導人 Yair Lapid(左)、Yamina 領導人 Naftali Bennett(C)和 Ra'am 領導人 Mansour Abbas 於 2021 年 6 月 2 日簽署了聯盟協議(Ra'am 提供)
在午夜截止日期前 35 分鐘,Yesh Atid 領導人 Yair Lapid 週三晚通知魯文·里夫林總統,他能夠組建一個政府,在該政府中他和 Yamina 首領 Naftali Bennett 將輪番擔任總理職務,將自己定位為取代以色列最長的——現任領導人本傑明·內塔尼亞胡擔任總理。
根據新聯盟的條款,貝內特將擔任總理至 2023 年 9 月,屆時拉皮德將接替他的職位,直至 2025 年 11 月以色列議會任期結束。該協議是在 Ra'am 領導人曼蘇爾·阿巴斯 (Mansour Abbas週三深夜,他支持即將上台的政府,使他的伊斯蘭政黨成為以色列歷史上第一個成為執政聯盟一部分的阿拉伯政黨。
儘管拉皮德發表了聲明,但仍不清楚未來的“更迭政府”是否會越過終點線。它將包括 120 個 MK 中的 61 個——盡可能窄的多數。Bennett 的 Yamina 議員 Nir ​​Orbach 週三晚間早些時候宣布,他可能投票反對新聯盟,此舉可能會毀掉由右翼、中間派、左翼政黨和伊斯蘭主義者 Raam 組成的未來根底淺薄的政府。
“我很榮幸地通知你,我已經成功組建了一個政府,”拉皮德根據 Yesh Atid 的一份聲明告訴里夫林。“根據《基本法》第 13(a)條,將成立輪替政府,而國會議員 MK Naftali Bennett 將首先擔任總理。”
以色列國會現在必須安排對新政府的信任投票。然而,由於下一次全體會議要到 6 月 7 日星期一,屆時才會正式通知以色列議會議長、利庫德集團的亞里夫·萊文,他需要安排對新政府進行投票。
然後他有長達一周的時間來安排投票,所以它可能只在 6 月 14 日舉行,給內塔尼亞胡和他的支持者 12 天的時間來試圖剝奪拉皮德和貝內特的多數席位。
據第 12 頻道報導,如果萊文議長無法於 6 月 14 日進行投票,拉皮德-貝內特聯盟可能會試圖罷免他。

一張蒙太奇照片顯示了 Yesh Atid 首席執行官 Yair Lapid 宣布他可以在 2021 年 6 月 2 日組建的未來“變革政府”中的政黨領導人。(Flash90)
拉皮德週三晚敦促萊文“履行他應盡的法律責任,並儘快召開全體會議特別會議,屆時他將通知以色列議會,Yesh Atid 主席 Yair Lapid 已成功組建政府。”
在 3 月 23 日的選舉中贏得席位的 13 個政黨中的 8 個支持預期的拉皮德-貝內特政府,在由 120 名成員組成的議會中顯然總共獲得 61 票:Yesh Atid(17 個席位)、藍白黨(8) , Yisrael Beytenu (7), Labor (7), Yamina (7 個 MK 中的 6 個),New Hope (6),Meretz (6) 和 Ra'am (4)。
Yamina 的第七任 MK,Amichai Chikli 宣布他將投票反對計劃中的政府。如果奧爾巴赫也這樣做,這可能會否定其微弱多數的新政府計劃。然而,雖然主要由阿拉伯政黨組成的聯合名單中的六個 MK 中有四個表示他們將投票反對計劃中的政府,但另外兩個尚未具體說明他們將如何投票。本內特和奧爾巴赫定於週四會面。

2021 年 6 月 2 日,Ra'am 黨領袖曼蘇爾·阿巴斯抵達拉馬特甘的 Maccabiah 村參加聯盟會談。(Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90
週三晚上 11 點之後,令人緊張的聯盟談判仍在繼續,Ra'am 在截止日期前大約一個小時簽署了聯盟協議。不久之後,新希望和亞米娜也跟了上去。
雙方在最後一刻克服的另一個障礙是右翼 Yamina 和中左翼工黨之間關於司法任命委員會組成的爭執。
根據新出現的聯盟協議,拉皮德將在政府的頭兩年擔任外交部長,藍白黨領袖本尼·甘茨將繼續擔任國防部長,國庫將由以色列領導人阿維格多·利伯曼掌管。新希望黨領袖 Gideon Sa'ar 將擔任司法部長,而 Yamina 的 Ayelet Shaked 將擔任內政部長。工黨的梅拉夫·米凱利(Merav Michaeli)獲得了交通部長職務,她的同黨成員奧馬爾·巴列夫(Omer Barlev)將擔任公安部長。梅雷茨領導人尼贊霍洛維茨將被任命為衛生部長,而同黨成員塔馬爾贊德伯格將擔任環境保護部長和伊薩維弗雷傑地區合作部長。
上個月,在內塔尼亞胡獲得第一次機會後,里夫林任命拉皮德組建政府,但未能拼湊出多數執政黨。3 月 23 日的選舉是自 2019 年 4 月以來的第四次選舉,內塔尼亞胡和他的右翼宗教集團再次未能獲得多數席位。

本雅明·內塔尼亞胡總理於 2021 年 5 月 30 日在耶路撒冷議會舉行的新聞發布會上發表講話。 (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
自以色列議會於 2018 年 12 月解散以來,以色列一直陷入政治僵局,此後舉行的四輪選舉未能使內塔尼亞胡或其競爭對手獲得決定性多數。除了為自己的政治生存而戰,內塔尼亞胡目前正在接受三起腐敗案件的審判。
Lapid informs president he can form government removing Netanyahu from power
But coalition won’t be finalized until Knesset vote in up to 12 days; right-wing MK could oppose it, possibly dooming bid; Ra’am is 1st Arab party ever to ink coalition deal
By TOI STAFFToday, 11:37 pm

Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid (L), Yamina leader Naftali Bennett (C) and Ra'am leader Mansour Abbas sign a coalition agreement on June 2, 2021 (Courtesy of Ra'am)
Thirty-five minutes before a midnight deadline, Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid on Wednesday night informed President Reuven Rivlin he is able to form a government in which he and Yamina chief Naftali Bennett will switch off as prime minister, positioning themselves to replace Israel’s longest-serving leader Benjamin Netanyahu as premier.
Under the terms of the new coalition, Bennett is to serve as prime minister until September 2023, when Lapid will take over from him until the end of the Knesset term in November 2025. The agreement came together after Ra’am leader Mansour Abbas threw his support behind the would-be government late on Wednesday night, setting up his Islamist party to be the first majority Arab party to be part of a ruling coalition in Israel’s history.
Despite Lapid’s declaration, it remained unclear that the prospective “change government” will make it past the finish line. It is set to include 61 of the 120 MKs — the narrowest possible majority. And an MK from Bennett’s Yamina, Nir Orbach, earlier on Wednesday night announced he could vote against the new coalition, a move that could potentially doom the prospective razor-thin government of right-wing, centrist, left-wing parties and the Islamist Ra’am.
“I am honored to inform you that I have succeeded in forming a government,” Lapid told Rivlin according to a Yesh Atid statement. “The government will be an alternate government in accordance with Clause 13(a) of the Basic Law: The Government, and MK Naftali Bennett will serve as prime minister first.”
“I congratulate you and the heads of the parties on your agreement to form a government. We expect the Knesset will convene as soon as possible to ratify the government, as required,” Rivlin told Lapid in the phone call between them on Wednesday night, according to the President’s Office.
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The Knesset must now schedule a vote of confidence in the new government. However, as the next plenum session is not until Monday, June 7, it would only be then that the Knesset Speaker, Likud’s Yariv Levin, is formally informed that he needs to schedule a vote on the new government.
He then has up to a week to schedule that vote, so it may only be held on June 14, giving Netanyahu and his supporters 12 days to try to deprive Lapid and Bennett of their majority.
The Lapid-Bennett coalition may try to oust Speaker Levin if he does not schedule the vote sooner than June 14, Channel 12 reported.

A photo montage shows the leaders of parties in the prospective “change government” that Yesh Atid chief Yair Lapid announced he can form on June 2, 2021. (Flash90)
Lapid on Wednesday night urged Levin “to fulfil the legal responsibility incumbent upon him and call a special session of the plenary as soon as possible during which he will inform the Knesset that Yesh Atid Chairperson, Yair Lapid, has succeeded in forming a government.”
The intended Lapid-Bennett government is backed by eight of the 13 parties that won seats in the March 23 election, for an apparent total of 61 votes in the 120-member Knesset: Yesh Atid (17 seats), Blue and White (8), Yisrael Beytenu (7), Labor (7), Yamina (6 of its 7 MKs), New Hope (6), Meretz (6) and Ra’am (4).
Yamina’s seventh MK, Amichai Chikli has announced he will vote against the planned government. If Orbach were also to do so, this could deny the planned new government of its wafer-thin majority. However, while four of the six MKs in the Joint List of mainly Arab parties have stated that they will vote against the planned government, the other two have not yet specified how they will vote. Bennett and Orbach are set to meet on Thursday.

Mansour Abbas, head of the Ra’am party arrives to coalition talks at the Maccabiah village in Ramat Gan on June 2, 2021. (Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90
The nail-biting coalition talks continued past 11 p.m. on Wednesday night, with Ra’am inking its coalition deal around an hour before the deadline. New Hope and Yamina followed a short while later.
Another last-minute hurdle the parties overcame was a tussle between the right-wing Yamina and center-left Labor party over the makeup of the Judicial Appointments Committee.
Under the emerging coalition agreements, Lapid will serve as foreign minister in the first two years of the government, Blue and White leader Benny Gantz will remain defense minister, and the treasury will be held by Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman. New Hope leader Gideon Sa’ar will be justice minister, while Yamina’s Ayelet Shaked will be interior minister. Labor’s Merav Michaeli received the transportation portfolio and her fellow party member Omer Barlev will be public security minister. Meretz leader Nitzan Horowitz will be appointed health minister, while fellow party member Tamar Zandberg will be environmental protection minister and Issawi Frej regional cooperation minister.
The final coalition agreements have yet to be formally released and negotiations are expected to continue until the swearing-in vote.
Lapid was tasked last month by Rivlin with forming a government after Netanyahu was given first crack but failed to cobble together a ruling majority. The March 23 elections, the fourth since April 2019, again saw Netanyahu and his right-wing religious bloc fall short of a majority.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a press conference at the Knesset, in Jerusalem, on May 30, 2021. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Netanyahu and his political allies have been pressing lawmakers in Yamina and the fellow right-wing New Hope party not to form a government with Lapid, with that pressure expected to further grow in the days before the Knesset vote is held.
If the emerging government is sworn in, Israel will have a new prime minister for the first time since 2009. Along with the over 12 consecutive years he has served as premier since then, Netanyahu was also prime minister for three years in the late 1990s.
Israel has been mired in political deadlock since the Knesset dissolved in December 2018, with the four rounds of elections held since then failing to result in a decisive majority for either Netanyahu or his rivals. Besides fighting for his political survival, Netanyahu is currently on trial in three corruption cases.
Video shows Lapid informing president of success in forming government
Today, 11:55 pm
Here is a video of Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett on the call with President Rivlin, as Lapid informs the latter he has managed to form a government.
And here is a photo of Rivlin getting the call.
The president had just finished watching the finals of the Israeli Basketball State Cup, where Maccabi Tel Aviv won the championship.
艾薩克·赫爾佐格以 87 票和以色列議會的 120 票當選以色列第 11 任總統
通過拉烏爾WOOTLIFF 今天,下午 1:36
說明:以色列議會外的艾薩克·赫爾佐格(Isaac Herzog)(提供)
Herzog以 87 票擊敗了社會活動家Miriam Peretz,後者在戰鬥中失去了兩個兒子,成為以色列獲獎教育家,以 87 票擊敗了她的 26 票,這是總統候選人贏得的最多票數。
在無記名選舉中,所有 120 名 MK 都有資格投票,三人棄權,三票被取消資格,一名議員 Ra'am 主席曼蘇爾·阿巴斯沒有投票。
赫爾佐格是以色列第六任總統哈伊姆·赫爾佐格的兒子,也是以色列第一任首席拉比的孫子,他將在魯文·里夫林的任期於 7 月 9 日結束時接替他。

總統候選人艾薩克·赫爾佐格(Isaac Herzog)於 2021 年 6 月 2 日投票前。(Dani Shem Tov/以色列議會)


2021 年 6 月 2 日,赫爾佐格當選後,新當選的以色列總統艾薩克·赫爾佐格與本傑明·內塔尼亞胡總理在議會中。(Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

2021 年 6 月 2 日投票後,新當選的以色列總統艾薩克·赫爾佐格和他在議會中擊敗米里亞姆·佩雷茨後的競爭對手。 (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

魯文·里夫林總統與他的繼任者伊薩克·赫爾佐格和赫爾佐格的妻子邁克爾。(科比·吉迪恩 / GPO)
總理補充說:“我感謝 Miriam Peretz 的光榮候選資格,我相信她將繼續為以色列社會做出貢獻,正如她一生所做的那樣。”

總統候選人艾薩克·赫爾佐格 (Isaac Herzog) 於 2021 年 6 月 1 日訪問耶路撒冷老城的西牆 (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)
反對黨領袖 Yesh Atid 領袖 Yair Lapid 表示,赫爾佐格是“一個值得尊敬的優秀人,他始終關注國家和猶太人的利益。祝你好運,總統先生!”
Herzog 是該國頂級公司之一(由他的父親創立)的一位富有的職業律師,他的家庭故事與以色列皇室一樣接近。他是以色列第一位德系猶太教首席拉比艾薩克·赫爾佐格(Isaac Herzog)的孫子,也是以色列國防軍前少將、時任總統哈伊姆·赫爾佐格的兒子。他的兄弟邁克爾是一名退休的以色列國防軍準將。他的姑姑蘇西是前外交部長阿巴·埃班的妻子。
在他在以色列議會工作的 15 年裡,他以一位說話溫和、舉止溫和的經理而聞名。他開展了有禮貌的競選活動,並拒絕參與定義該國動盪政治的那種憤怒的政治爭鬥。

2021 年 6 月 2 日總統選舉當天,以色列議會外的支持者向總統候選人米里亞姆·佩雷茨致意。 (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Peretz 在她的長子 Uriel 於 1998 年在黎巴嫩的戰鬥中被殺,他的弟弟 Eliraz 於 2010 年在加沙附近的一次行動中被殺後,在最悲慘的情況下成為家喻戶曉的名字。圍繞猶太復國主義和應對損失的問題。2018 年,她獲得了以色列終身成就獎,這是該國最高的文化榮譽。

2021 年 6 月 2 日總統選舉投票期間,總統候選人 Isaac Herzog 和 Miriam Peretz 在以色列議會畫廊擁抱。(Olivier FitoussiFlash90)
2019 年,在過去兩年舉行的四次選舉中的第一次選舉之前,有幾個政黨向佩雷茨求助。感興趣的名單包括 New Right、Kulanu 和 Yesh Atid——來自右翼、中右翼和中鋒的政黨。佩雷茨拒絕了這些提議,解釋說她想在政治框架之外繼續她的公共工作,她相信在那裡她會產生更大的影響力。
在霍爾木茲海峽附近的阿曼灣船上發生火災後,船員從支援船 Kharg 撤離

2021 年 6 月 2 日,伊朗海軍最大的船隻 Kharg 在阿曼灣起火併沉沒後,站在支援艦上的人員。(Asriran.com via AP)
法爾斯通訊社和塔斯尼姆通訊社表示,努力未能拯救以伊朗主要石油碼頭的島嶼命名的支援船 Kharg。
法爾斯說,大火在凌晨 2 點 25 分左右開始,消防員試圖控制它。這艘船在德黑蘭東南約 1,270 公里(790 英里)的伊朗港口賈斯克附近沉沒,位於霍爾木茲海峽附近的阿曼灣 - 波斯灣的窄口。

視頻製作的圖像顯示,在阿曼灣,伊朗海軍支援艦哈格(Kharg)冒出濃煙。該船後來於 2021 年 6 月 2 日沈沒。(Asriran.com via AP)
美聯社分析的來自 Planet Labs Inc. 的衛星照片顯示,Kharg 星期二在 Jask 以西。來自美國國家海洋和大氣管理局的衛星跟踪來自太空的火災,在法爾斯報告的火災發生之前,在 Jask 現場發現了一場大火。
哈格號是伊朗海軍為數不多的能夠為其他船隻提供海上補給的船隻之一。它還可以提升重型貨物並作為直升機的發射點。這艘船在英國建造並於 1977 年下水,在 1979 年伊朗伊斯蘭革命之後經過漫長的談判後,於 1984 年進入伊朗海軍。
伊朗官員沒有說明哈格號上起火的原因。然而,這是在 2019 年開始的一系列針對阿曼灣船隻的神秘爆炸之後發生的。美國海軍後來指責伊朗用帽貝地雷瞄準這些船隻,這些定時爆炸物通常由潛水員安裝在船體上。

伊朗海軍最大的軍艦 Kharg 的未註明日期的照片(伊朗軍隊通過美聯社)
哈格號的沉沒標誌著伊朗最近的一次海上災難。2020 年,在伊朗軍事訓練演習期間,一枚導彈誤擊了賈斯克港附近的一艘軍艦,造成 19 名船員死亡、15 人受傷。 同樣在 2018 年,一艘伊朗海軍驅逐艦在里海沉沒。
Largest ship in Iranian navy catches fire and sinks
Crew evacuated from support vessel Kharg after blaze breaks out on board in the Gulf of Oman near the Strait of Hormuz

Personnel standing on support ship Kharg, the largest vessel in the Iranian navy, after it caught fire in the Gulf of Oman and later sank, June 2, 2021. (Asriran.com via AP)
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — The largest ship in the Iranian navy caught fire and later sank Wednesday in the Gulf of Oman under unclear circumstances, semiofficial news agencies reported.
The Fars and Tasnim news agencies said efforts failed to save the support ship Kharg, named after the island that serves as the main oil terminal for Iran.
The blaze began around 2:25 a.m. and firefighters tried to contain it, Fars said. The vessel sank near the Iranian port of Jask, some 1,270 kilometers (790 miles) southeast of Tehran on the Gulf of Oman near the Strait of Hormuz — the narrow mouth of the Persian Gulf.
Photos circulated on Iranian social media of sailors wearing life jackets evacuating the vessel as a fire burned behind them. State TV and semiofficial news agencies referred to the Kharg as a “training ship.” Fars published video of thick, black smoke rising from the ship early Wednesday morning.

An image made from video shows smoke rising from Iran’s navy support ship Kharg in the Gulf of Oman. The ship later sank, June 2, 2021. (Asriran.com via AP)
Satellite photos from Planet Labs Inc. analyzed by The Associated Press showed the Kharg off to the west of Jask on Tuesday. Satellites from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that track fires from space detected a blaze at the site of the Jask that started just before the time of the fire reported by Fars.
The Kharg serves as one of a few vessels in the Iranian navy capable of providing replenishment at sea for its other ships. It also can lift heavy cargo and serve as a launch point for helicopters. The ship, built in Britain and launched in 1977, entered the Iranian navy in 1984 after lengthy negotiations that followed Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution.
Iranian officials offered no cause for the fire aboard the Kharg. However, it comes after a series of mysterious explosions that began in 2019 targeting ships in the Gulf of Oman. The US Navy later accused Iran of targeting the ships with limpet mines, timed explosives typically attached by divers to a vessel’s hull.

Undated photo of the Kharg, the largest warship in the Iranian navy, (Iranian army via AP)
Iran denied targeting the vessels, though US Navy footage showed members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard removing one unexploded limpet mine from a vessel. The incidents came amid heightened tensions between the US and Iran after then-president Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew America from Tehran’s nuclear deal with world powers.
The sinking of the Kharg marks the latest naval disaster for Iran. In 2020 during an Iranian military training exercise, a missile mistakenly struck a naval vessel near the port of Jask, killing19 sailors and wounding 15. Also in 2018, an Iranian navy destroyer sank in the Caspian Sea.
病蝙蝠自我隔離,幫助避免 COVID 型危機——以色列研究
通過內森杰斐 今天,下午 6:02

埃及果蝠(Seregraff via iStock by Getty Images)
他們觀察到,在讓五隻埃及果蝠生病並在一個大群體中跟踪它們 72 小時後,生病的蝙蝠也會在身體有輕微的炎症跡象時遠離同齡人。
研究人員使用機載 GPS 來跟踪覓食,使用加速度傳感器來監控運動,使用紅外視頻來記錄社會行為,並使用血液樣本來測量免疫標記。

通過電子郵件獲取 Start-Up Israel 的 Daily Start-Up,不要錯過我們的頭條新聞免費註冊
“我們觀察到,在生病期間,蝙蝠選擇遠離群體而不離開洞穴,”特拉維夫大學神經科學系主任 Yossi Yovel 教授說。“這表明,為了遇到生病的蝙蝠,人們實際上必須侵入蝙蝠的自然環境或消滅它們的棲息地。”
隨著冠狀病毒大流行促使封鎖和社會疏遠,Yovel 的同事瑪雅·溫伯格 (Maya Weinberg) 對她在蝙蝠中註意到的一種特徵產生了興趣。

果蝠在典型的社交環境中(Hendra Su 通過 iStock by Getty Images)

特拉維夫大學的 Maya Weinberg 和一隻果蝠(特拉維夫大學提供)
這是提出這種理論的第二項研究,緊隨其後的是11 月在美國進行的一項研究,該研究得出的結論是,生病的蝙蝠“與更少的蝙蝠有關,與他人相處的時間更少,社交聯繫也更少。”
特拉維夫的論文發表之際,人們對冠狀病毒的起源重新產生了興趣。世界衛生組織 3 月份表示,該病毒可能是通過另一種動物從蝙蝠傳播給人類的。這仍然是主流理論,儘管一周前美國總統喬拜登下令對競爭對手的理論進行調查,可能包括在中國發生實驗室事故的可能性。
溫伯格告訴《以色列時報》:“我們看到了一種非常清晰的模式,即生病的蝙蝠遠離其他蝙蝠,實際上倒檔後退,因為其他蝙蝠靠近它們。” “你可以將大流行期間我們用於人類的所有術語用於蝙蝠——社交距離、自我隔離和隔離。”
Sick bats self-isolate, helping avert COVID-type crises — Israeli study
Widely assumed to be source of coronavirus, bats probably spared us from other diseases, scientists say; the mammals stay ‘home’ when sick, protecting fellow bats, other species
By NATHAN JEFFAY Today, 6:02 pm

An Egyptian fruit bat (Seregraff via iStock by Getty Images)
Bats are widely believed to have given the novel coronavirus to humans. But Israeli researchers say they have probably spared us from numerous other diseases, thanks to their largely unnoticed social distancing behavior.
Tel Aviv University scientists have just published peer-reviewed research observing that bats that feel unwell stay “home” in their caves, reducing interaction with other species.
They observed that sick bats also stay away from their peers at the slightest hint of feeling inflammation in their bodies, after making five Egyptian fruit bats sick and following them in a large colony for 72 hours.
The researchers used onboard GPS to track foraging, acceleration sensors to monitor movement, infrared video to record social behavior, and blood samples to measure immune markers.

A fruit bat from the Tel Aviv University experiment (courtesy of Tel Aviv University)
The researchers concluded that the self-isolating behavior they displayed minimizes the risk of infections “jumping” to humans, directly or via another species.

“We observed that during illness bats choose to stay away from the colony and don’t leave the cave,” said Prof. Yossi Yovel, head of neuroscience at Tel Aviv University. “This suggests that in order to encounter a sick bat, people must actually invade the bats’ natural environment or eliminate their habitats.”
As the coronavirus pandemic prompted lockdowns and social distancing, Yovel’s colleague Maya Weinberg became intrigued by a trait she had noticed among bats.
“They are the most sociable of animals, yet totally defying their character, I had noticed that sick bats often separate themselves from others,” she said.

Fruit bats in a typically sociable setting (Hendra Su via iStock by Getty Images)
This is atypical for animals, who have been taught by evolution to try to play down signs of sickness and remain with the group, where they are safer from predators and less likely to go hungry.
To explore the topic she designed her formal experiment, which has now been published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Science. As part of the study, Weinberg and Yovel took five bats and injected them with a pathogen that made them feel unwell.

Maya Weinberg of Tel Aviv University, with a fruit bat (courtesy of Tel Aviv University)
This is the second study to propose such a theory, coming on the heels of a November study in America that concluded that sick bats “associated with fewer bats, spent less time near others, and were less socially connected.”
Weinberg said that her study addressed certain shortcomings of the previous research, following the bats more closely and measuring their movements to the millimeter.
The Tel Aviv paper comes amid a resurgence of interest in the origins of the coronavirus. The World Health Organization said in March that the virus had probably been transmitted from bats to humans through another animal. This remains the mainstream theory, though a week ago US President Joe Biden ordered an investigation into rival theories, potentially including the possibility of a laboratory accident in China.
“We saw a very clear pattern of the sick bats moving away from the other bats, and actually backing away in reverse gear, as others came close to them,” Weinberg told The Times of Israel. “You can use for bats all the terms we used for humans during the pandemic — social-distancing, self-isolation and quarantine.”
Weinberg and her colleagues wrote in their paper that the sick bats “perched alone and appeared to voluntarily isolate themselves from the group by leaving the social cluster, which is extremely atypical for this species.”
They “ceased foraging outdoors for at least two nights, thus reducing transmission to neighboring colonies,” and their behaviors “demonstrate a strong, integrative immune response that promotes recovery of infected individuals while reducing pathogen transmission inside and outside the roost, including spillover events to other species, such as humans.”
以色列將於下週開始為 12 至 15 歲的兒童接種疫苗
衛生部表示,運動將從那些最有可能因 COVID-19 而患上嚴重疾病的人,以及與面臨同樣危險的家人一起生活的人開始
作者:STUART WINER和TOI 工作人員今天,下午 3:11

2021 年 3 月 17 日,學生在南部城市貝爾謝巴的 Amal 高中接受 COVID-19 疫苗注射。(Flash90)
衛生部周三表示,將從下週開始為 12-15 歲的兒童接種冠狀病毒疫苗。
根據該計劃,將首先建議該年齡組有可能因冠狀病毒感染而出現嚴重症狀的兒童以及與家人同住但同樣有可能因 COVID-19 感染嚴重疾病的兒童接種疫苗.

衛生部表示,衛生部總幹事 Chezy Levy 已經在與該國的衛生管理組織進行會談,為他們為青少年接種疫苗做準備。

在美國奧蘭治縣,青少年已經接受了 COVID-19 疫苗注射,12 歲的 Max Cuevas 在接受輝瑞 COVID-19 疫苗時握著他母親的手(美聯社照片/Jae C. Hong)
儘管衛生部沒有具體說明日期,但本週早些時候第 12 頻道新聞報導稱疫苗運動將於週日開始。
在周二晚上召開的會議之後,決定繼續為青少年接種疫苗,包括列維和冠狀病毒沙皇 Nachman Ash 在內的衛生官員以及以色列兒科協會的代表出席了會議
會議審議了擴大疫苗計劃可能帶來的並發症,包括心臟問題,此前衛生部報告稱輝瑞-BioNtech 疫苗的第二劑注射與數十例心肌炎(一種心肌炎症)之間可能存在聯繫。 , 在 30 歲以下的男性中。
該部表示,即使在已經接種疫苗的 16-19 歲人群中檢測到心臟問題的情況下,“這種情況也很少,而且大多數病例都沒有出現並發症”。
週二的一份衛生部報告發現,從 2020 年 12 月到 2021 年 5 月,全國報告了 275 例心肌炎病例,其中 148 例與患者接種疫苗的時間很接近。
在第一劑注射後不久,在 5,401,150 人中報告了 27 例病例,其中包括 11 名患有既往疾病的人。然而,在第二次注射後的 30 天內,在 5,049,424 人中增加到 121 例,其中包括 60 名患有既往疾病的人。
該部表示,絕大多數受影響的人是 30 歲以下的男性,尤其是 16 至 19 歲的男性。報告發現,大多數病例都是輕微的,患者在四天后出院,這與心肌炎的常見情況一樣。
報告稱,1 人死亡與心肌炎有關,但尚未得到最終證實。
同樣在周二,據報導,一直為 COVID-19 疫苗接種提供建議的衛生部小組成員在批准兒童接種疫苗的過程中收到了死亡威脅。
據 Kan 公共廣播公司報導,Sheba 醫療中心的 Galia Rahav 教授在網上收到了來自反疫苗者的威脅信息,包括刻有她名字的墓碑圖片和“pulsa dinura”,這是一種猶太人的死亡詛咒,字面意思是“火的鞭子” .
該醫院表示,它正在與警方就這些威脅進行協調,並將始終為 Rahav 提供安全保障。

2021 年 2 月 4 日,以色列人在特拉維夫郊外 Givatayim 購物中心的 Maccabi Health 疫苗接種中心接種 COVID-19 疫苗。(Miriam Alster/Flash90)
根據衛生部周三公佈的數據,週二僅發現了 35 例新病例。
自去年初爆發以來,以色列已有 839,515 人被診斷出患有 COVID-19,有 6,413 人死於該病。
Israel to begin vaccinating 12- to 15-year-olds next week
Health Ministry says campaign will start with those most at risk of serious illness from COVID-19, as well as those living with family members facing same danger
By STUART WINER and TOI STAFFToday, 3:11 pm

Students receive COVID-19 vaccine injections, at Amal high school in the southern city of Beersheba, March 17, 2021. (Flash90)
The Health Ministry said Wednesday that it would begin vaccinating children aged 12-15 against the coronavirus from next week.
According to the plan, children in that age group who are at risk of suffering severe symptoms from coronavirus infection will be the first advised to get the shots, along with those living with family members who are likewise at risk of serious illness from COVID-19.
Families who are expecting to travel abroad will also be included in the first round of vaccinations, the ministry said.
Aside from those groups, anyone else who wants to vaccinate their adolescent children will be able to do so.
The ministry stressed to The Times of Israel that vaccination will not be compulsory for adolescents, only advised, and parents will be able to decide if they want their children to get the shots.
Health Ministry Director-General Chezy Levy was already holding talks with the country’s health management organizations in preparation for them to vaccinate adolescents, the ministry said.

In Orange County, America, where teenagers are already receiving COVID-19 shots, Max Cuevas, 12, holds his mother’s hand as he receives the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
Though the ministry did not specify a date, earlier this week Channel 12 News reported that the vaccine drive will begin on Sunday.
The decision to move ahead with vaccinating adolescents came following a meeting Tuesday night attended by health officials including Levy and coronavirus czar Nachman Ash, as well as representatives from the Israel Pediatric Association
The meeting deliberated possible complications from expanding the vaccine program, including heart problems, in the wake of a ministry report of a probable link between the second dose shot of the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine and dozens of cases of myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle, in males under 30.
Despite evidence of the link, officials decided that the benefit of the vaccine far outweighed the danger posed to adolescents.
Even in the cases of heart issues detected among those aged 16-19 who have already had the vaccine, “it was minimal and most cases passed without complications,” the ministry said.
A ministry report Tuesday found that from December 2020 until May 2021, there were 275 cases of myocarditis reported across the country, 148 of them in close proximity to when the patient received a vaccine dose.
Twenty-seven cases, including 11 people with preexisting conditions, were reported shortly after the first dose, out of 5,401,150 people who received a shot. However, that increased to 121 cases, including 60 people with preexisting conditions, out of 5,049,424 within 30 days of the second shot.
The ministry said the vast majority of those affected were men under 30, particularly between the ages of 16 and 19. Most cases were mild, with patients released from the hospital after four days, the report found, as is usual with myocarditis.
One death was linked to myocarditis, but not conclusively proven, the report said.
The report found that the link between the vaccine and myocarditis dwindled as age increased. Some health experts have suggested giving younger people only one shot to avoid the second dose side effects.
Also Tuesday, it was reported that a member of the Health Ministry panel that has been advising on COVID-19 vaccinations received death threats during the process of approval for the inoculation of children.
Prof. Galia Rahav of Sheba Medical Center received threatening messages from anti-vaxxers online, including images of tombstones with her name and a “pulsa dinura,” a Jewish death curse that literally translates as “lashes of fire,” the Kan public broadcaster reported.
The hospital said it was coordinating with police over the threats and will provide Rahav with security at all times.

Israelis recieve a COVID-19 vaccine at a Maccabi Health vaccination center at the Givatayim mall, outside of Tel Aviv, February 4, 2021. (Miriam Alster/Flash90)
Israel’s mass vaccination drive, which has already given both shots to over half the population, along with lockdown measures brought down infection rates from thousands a day at the beginning of the year to just a few dozen in recent weeks.
There were just 35 new cases detected Tuesday, according to Health Ministry figures released Wednesday.
Since the beginning of the outbreak early last year, 839,515 people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in Israel and there have been 6,413 deaths from the disease.
前耶路撒冷市長 Nir ​​Barkat 是最受歡迎的接班人選,佔 45%;利庫德集團 MK Kisch 駁斥調查是旨在“顛覆”的“謊言”
由斯圖爾特溫納 今天,下午 1:56

2021 年 6 月 2 日,由于冠狀病毒的爆發,總理本傑明·內塔尼亞胡 (Benjamin Netanyahu) 戴著口罩坐在耶路撒冷的以色列議會全體會議上。 (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)
陸軍電台週三發布的民意調查顯示,該民意調查是由“政治人物”委託進行的,該民意調查發現,47.3% 的利庫德集團成員支持內塔尼亞胡採取該措施,作為他領導該黨進入反對派的替代方案。
民意調查顯示,利庫德集團高級政治家、財政部長以色列卡茨表示,他希望成為內塔尼亞胡的繼任者,但僅獲得了 13.3% 的支持。
衛生部長尤利·埃德爾斯坦 (Yuli Edelstein) 打算在利庫德集團進入反對派的情況下挑戰內塔尼亞胡的領導地位,但僅獲得 5.9%。

2020 年 2 月 16 日,在特拉維夫舉行的利庫德集團黨活動中,本傑明·內塔尼亞胡總理和利庫德集團 MK Nir ​​Barkat 提出了利庫德集團經濟計劃。 (Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)
這項由 Direct Polls 進行的民意調查對 505 名利庫德集團成員進行了抽樣,誤差幅度為 4.4 個百分點。
Kisch 稱這次民意調查具有“顛覆性”,他認為這是由利庫德集團內部的某個人下令進行的,但他不知道是誰下令進行的。
他指出,內塔尼亞胡在 2019 年擊敗利庫德集團前部長吉迪恩·薩爾的挑戰後,令人信服地贏得了利庫德集團的初選。薩爾於 2020 年離開利庫德集團,成立新希望黨,該黨打算成為變革聯盟的一部分。

衛生部副部長 Yoav Kisch 於 2020 年 10 月 1 日通過視頻向以色列議會法律、憲法和司法委員會發表講話。(第 13 頻道屏幕截圖)
週三上午,Yesh Atid 領導人 MK Yair Lapid 表示即將敲定協議,將左翼、右翼和中間的政黨聚集在一起組建政府。如果成功,該聯盟將結束內塔尼亞胡連續 12 年的統治,內塔尼亞胡是以色列任職時間最長的總理。然而,據